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18-24 month club


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Hi everyone,


I don't know where I belong on BB anymore. I stopped posting much and I  may turn the corner any day, in addition, two of my favorite success stories fully healed between 18- 24 months, ( Eli and Lost Dog). Major healing between these months is common and I am hoping/praying I am one of them!


I can say I have finally seen my first noticeable healing and first partial window in month 18. The depression and anxiety are finally trying to break a bit, heart palpitations are gone and obsessive irrational thinking is calming. Violent intrusive thoughts are no more. I would say as of the end of month 18 (last week), I am 15-20% improved. It has been a long time in coming and I am feeling touches of true hope for the first time.


Here is where I am now.....Severe and unrelenting......DR, head, ear and body pressure, boatiness, tinnitus, major brain fog including concentration, memory and comprehension. Emotional blunting and apathy are still strong.


A bit better better but still bothersome........numbness, insomnia, buzzing, sore glassy eyes, labored breathing, overall anxiety, muscle and joint pain, depression, hopelessness and fatigue.


I am hoping others join in.......we can encourage and support each other through these critical months as we close in our healing.

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