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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

desperately need advice


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I've been off xanax for almost a year after 4 years on the poison. I never needed it , fell into it by accident and ignorance. Ive been out of work for a long time. No money, still can't work. And the worst possible thing happened: my mother who was supporting me had a heart attack. She's in the hospital, and most likely won't be returning back to work. Family is extremely mean to me and blame me for what happened. I have q friend in Brazil who can shelter me for a year or so. My question to dear BBS is it worth fighting further e.g. go to Brazil and try to wait for full recovery, or should I reinstate and start looking for work here? I'm desperate , staging with friends for now, but need to make this decision asap. Please help
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Please don't reinstate!! You've been off the drug for almost a year, and that's HUGE!! That's a big chunk of time that you've worked so hard for. I would say to go to Brazil for a year. It's so sad that your family blames you. I think time away from them would do you good and would soften their feelings toward you. I hope that your mother recovers soon and that she's out of the hospital and feeling better.


You need to take care of yourself in whatever way possible to get completely healed from benzo w/d.


I hope someone from BB moves this post to somewhere else where more people will see it.


GOOD LUCK to you, Belize!!!

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I'm worried what if full recovery won't happen in a year. I won't have anywhere to come back to and my friend in Brazil won't be able to shelter me any longer... what I'm trying to ask is that I feel that I'm pushing the limits of risk here. What are the chances for full recovery by 18-24 months?
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I'm worried what if full recovery won't happen in a year. I won't have anywhere to come back to and my friend in Brazil won't be able to shelter me any longer... what I'm trying to ask is that I feel that I'm pushing the limits of risk here. What are the chances for full recovery by 18-24 months?


The chances are VERY HIGH.



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Hey Luigi. Thanks for the chart. Just wondering where it is from? I am hitting 24 months in a little over 2 weeks and I so hope to heal 100% soon.  :)
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Hey Luigi. Thanks for the chart. Just wondering where it is from? I am hitting 24 months in a little over 2 weeks and I so hope to heal 100% soon.  :)


Here ya go :)



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I'm sorry about your mum. Are there other family members living at home who can help her when she gets out of the hospital?

If not, maybe you can stay on and work something out with her. Surely she'll need some support.

I wish you the best whatever you decide to do.



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WE ARE NOT ABUSERS. WE ARE VICTIMS OF IGNORANCE. It is not your fault you were given addictive drugs that are harder to detox from than heroin or cocaine. Benzodiazepines cause more deaths than those drugs combined. Everyone seems to leap to the conclusion that WE have done something wrong. It is the medical world that is drugged by big pharma.  Benzos are cumulative in the brain. Don't start again. The veil will fall and you may not notice. Your family could educate themselves. Be sure they don't give your mom benzos in the hospital which could later cause her problem with her heart.
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There are times in life when the only important person is yourself. I have disconnected completely from the world including relatives and now I don't care about anyone just me, sound a little selfish but I can't help anyone now and I don't even want to know about their problems; I can't do anything anyway. Now you need to survive at any cost. Luckily my family is very supportive and I have all their support. Just go to Brazil, don't take that pill again, think about yourself only (I guess you don't have children). I am going to Venezuela in two day to stay with my dad. Brazil is nice!!!
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GO TO BRAZIL!!! I would love to go to Brazil for a year and not have to work. Benzos or no benzos. What a wonderful opportunity for fun and adventure. I wouldnt pass that up.
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Hey Luigi. Thanks for the chart. Just wondering where it is from? I am hitting 24 months in a little over 2 weeks and I so hope to heal 100% soon.  :)


Hey Jazzy


What's left for you at almost 2 years off ? I'm just behind you at 23 months and 1 week off and I feel nowhere near the end!!!


Do you feel hopeful that it won't be long more for you ??





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