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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

almost at one.year


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Hi buddies.  I'm checking in at almost one year Benzo free. Wish I had terrific news, but that is not the case. Still only sleeping 3 hours each night. Still have bad bad headaches. Still have some anxiety and sadness, but these symptoms are easing somewhat.  Anyone else close to the year mark? How are you doing?  I had hoped to be writing my success story at this point. Guess I must keep trying to be patient. Could use a bit of encouragement. PG
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Hi PurpleGirl, I am a few months ahead of you at 15 1/2. I'm in a up and down wavy phase, but am very functional. My symptoms seem to be changing. I'm hoping this is getting toward the end!
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Oh wow HH, I hope so too!  Sounds like you're definitely at the end of this rough ride and that is wonderful news. I'm so glad to hear that your symptoms are changing and I hope they're gone completely soon!  You've given me a renewed hope. Thank you so much!  PG
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I am at 14 months Purplegirl.  I have gotten better but still have many issues such as abdominal pains, achy joints, anxiety, and many others.  Windows are longer and more powerful........hopefully a trend that continues.  It is clear that the road is long but steady. 
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