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This is going to sound creepy but....


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Does anyone else look in the mirror and wonder who this person staring back at them is?

It's like I don't know myself anymore.


Intellectually I know it's me,  I've just lost the feeling :o


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Does anyone else look in the mirror and wonder who this person staring back at them is?

It's like I don't know myself anymore.


Intellectually I know it's me,  I've just lost the feeling :o



It happens to me everyday.  :-\ :-\

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I have no idea who this shell of a person is!!!! I hate it!!!




Ditto. Its like someone i dont even know G.

Im lucky if i get 3-4 hrs of sleep. I look 100 yrs old and feel it too.

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I look like a totally different person.  I'm totally beaten down and broken.  It scares me when I look in the mirror because I don't recognize me.  The only thing that is the same is my long brown hair.  Everything else looks strange.  It trips me out.  I want to make it through this but it's so hard. 
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Yes. I don't like the person looking back at me right now. You're not alone in this. This process is making my perspective of everything change, even my own reflection sometimes.
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Does anyone else look in the mirror and wonder who this person staring back at them is?

It's like I don't know myself anymore.


Intellectually I know it's me,  I've just lost the feeling :o





The same thing happened to me when I did a C/T off Xanax. Boy, it was really scary and insane.

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