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after w/d: hair takes a life of its own :-(


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Sorry, I don´t know if this category is correct; if not please excuse.


I have a question.

It´s now more than five months that I´m benzo-clean (before I have taken alprazolam, zolpidem and zopiclon for 8 years).


I´m going mad with my hair.

I had always hair with soft, slight, natural curls / waves, but now my hair is a mess. The structure has changed; I look as if I had put my fingers into an electric socket.

The hairdresser says she has never seen such a "strange" hair: parts of the hair fibres are thin, others thick. Some partes curl, some parts are waveless. The hair ist extreme thin, dry and scrubby  :( The whole structure is out of order, sheer frizz.

I can do whatever I want - the hair is a catastrophe.


I´m not sure, but I tend to blame the tapering for that condition. Has anyone the same problems??!? Please, I´m so desperate.

I want my normal hair back!


Please excuse language / grammar mistakes, I´m a German native speaker.



TheCube (female, age: middle of 30)


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Yes its the benzo wd. My hair is the same. I used ot have straight hair and very thick, now its wavy and thin and falling out.

Ive seen people post this changes and hair is returned to what it was...i sure hope so.

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I'm there with ya....my family has to hear me bitch about it. lol  meds will definitely change the structure of your hair and i think being on these meds and getting off of them  stress out our bodies so much it will mess with everyones hormones (man or  woman) and that will change the structure of our hair too. its pure chaos. lol hang in there!!! i have more gray hair from this experience on top of the course and like you said some thin and thick....also really dry..it should get better.  :) :) :) :)
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I've noticed the same thing. My hair hasn't looked or felt the same for quite awhile. Sometimes I think that it's getting back to how it used to be before w/d, but I'm not sure if it'll stay that way or go back to looking bad again since so many symptoms keep coming back.
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I did not know about  this.  I thought something was wrong with hair color product as some part of my hair felt so thick.  Hope it doesn't go thin though, yikes.
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keep in mind that hair grows from the root... the healthiest hair you have will be at the root. The rest is basically a dna history of your past. (hence the reason they use hair samples for drug testing etc). It will go back to what it was, but if you think about what your body has been through... so has your hair! Give it time! It will be back to normal!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I experienced this, too. I don't know if (for me) it was post menopause stuff, the benzos, or what. My hair used to be so curly I couldn't pull a comb thru it. It started to go straight during the last 6 years I was on benzos. It is now about half curly half straight. Im trying to grow it out to shoulder length so it will hang straight. Oh, the things we do for our hair!



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Whyohwhy is right....


The only hair that is alive is in the root.....so anything thing on the outside will not change.....but any new growth is a reflection of our health......so when we are well again, though our hair may change its structure it will be healthy again...


...m :thumbsup:....

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That's true. Another change I noticed was that my hair got extremely dry and coarse. It has now gone back to normal, and I haven't changed products, or done anything special (except being off the benzo!)


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Hi East....


That probably had to do with lack of oils produced.....my hair was dry like straw.... :tickedoff:....seems like I am producing oil again.... :yippee:


...m :smitten:....

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I had straight hair before withdrawal, about as straight as it comes. Now the left of my hair is straight, and the right side of my hair is curly. I am unable to wear my hair down, unless I want to be laughed at  :) It is super strange and my hairdresser and the other 6 people in the shop have never seen anything like it before. I have long blonde hair and it always use to be one of my best features....not any more. :(
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My hair would bald on the sides, kind of like an Alopecia symptom. My hair got thinner too, it had much less life. It comes and goes.


I noticed something the other day whilst in the shower, usually when washing my hair I notice lots of hair on my hands on account of it falling out, but the other day there was close to nothing on my hands, I don't know if it was just a lucky day or what?


I will be happy if my hair goes back to the way it was, I know it was better than this, though I can't really remember how it used to be, it was never this bad I know that for sure. We will see.

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Hi bringiton.....I was losing a lot of hair at a few points in w/d.....we normally lose about 100 hairs a day.....but I was losing more than that at times....I am no longer losing any more than the average amount.....I can tell my hair has improved....


We just all need to heal for everything to function normally again....it is usually the hair and nails that suffer first, as our bodies are using any vitamins and minerals for important functions.....


....m :smitten:....


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Hi minnie,


I always thought the same sort of thing, we will all loose a certain amount of hair through the natural aging process, but it is safe to assume benzo wd accelerated this process a lot. Once we are out of wd then the losing hair process should begin to slow, our hair returns to the normal rate of loss and aging. We should look a lot better in all areas, hair included.


Here is hoping. I will except which ever hand I am dealt.




EDT:- I should add, my hair loss is not that bad to be fair, it is only just noticeable, the sides are quite noticeable. It should not be that much of a change when it does grow back, I will still take it though and my hair will look better when wd is over, it won't ever be like it was when I was younger but it surely will return to its rightful state, the state it should of been if wd had not set its claws in.

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