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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

For those around a year off benzo's


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I was feeling 75% just a few months ago then got hit w/ the longest wave so far. I'm around 12-13 months off a very short term use (2 months & did a CT) & in the last couple of months I've had a return of my early symptoms that had left around month 4. I do have some improvements as well (mainly mental) but just wondering where others who are along the same timeframe are in their healing. 
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Hi Cad,


I'm a year off and mentally I'm feeling much better no anxiety or depression, but I still have a lot of physical sx-- POTS sx  and nerve pain in all my limbs. Also, my sx  seem to cycle, one week I'll have insomnia, one week I'll have trouble breathing, one week I can't swallow, one week my benzo belly will come back. What are your sx ?

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Right now I seem to deal w/ the internal vibrations/tremors, muscle tightness, restlessness & fatigue. Sometimes I will have a fast heart rate out of nowhere or feeling of neck tightness & trouble breathing but not usually. A few wks ago I had a panic attack for the first time in almost a year (panic attacks & vibrations were my first sign of tolerance)... But this panic attack a few wks ago came during a really stressful time not to mention I had the flu, etc. It's just weird to me that in my mind I don't really feel the same kind of fear or anxiety that I used to but the vibrations & panic had been gone for so long & the return of them kind of throw me off.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Hi everyone.  I will be one year off in a few weeks. Wish I was doing better. Bad headaches, terrible insomnia, anxiety and sadness. I had thought I would be writing my success story by now, but I'm no where near ready. I'm so very disappointed with the waves that still come. I had so hoped that one year would be the major turning point for me. Hope you find relief very soon. This has been a long hard ride for me for sure. We must keep pushing on. Take care. PG
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Hi pg! So sorry you are still struggling, I thought I'd be healed by now too. I haven't seen you around the forum in a long time, good to hear from you again. Let's hope the next 6 months brings big healing for all of us. Jenny :)
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Oh Jenny, bless your heart. I'm so happy to hear from you. I appreciate your encouragement and I'm hoping for your complete healing soon. You've always been a ray of sunshine for me. Thank you. Here's to big healing for us all in the very near future. PG
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I was feeling 75% just a few months ago then got hit w/ the longest wave so far. I'm around 12-13 months off a very short term use (2 months & did a CT) & in the last couple of months I've had a return of my early symptoms that had left around month 4. I do have some improvements as well (mainly mental) but just wondering where others who are along the same timeframe are in their healing.


This is common Cad


I had a few symptoms go away my first year but they cam back in year 2 worst been the boaty dizziness, body jerks and muscle spasms along with eke true shocks in my legs and fingers!!!


Hopefully there just coming back to say farewell and you fully heal soon..


Best Wishes



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How far along in your healing do you feel now, Woofs?


Not far enough Cad


Year one was hell beyound words but year 2 is a different type of hell that is hard to explain..


My main symptoms now which have been constant are DP DR, Insane Head Pressure, Severe Boaty Dizziness along with weird electrical sensations in my head, legs and fingers..


Year one I had over 100 symptoms no joke so in terms of the number of symptoms I've come along way but the remains symptoms are still beyound hell but in sayng that I would never ever want to go through year 1 again, in fact I would die first. Sorry but if I'm to be 100% honest that's where I am at right now, but as you know never ever compare, my journey is just that and yours is just that also


Wishing you lots of healing and I hope your end is sooner than you think..


Best Wishes



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This is definitely a journey. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad still. I do understand how there can be huge differences- I would never want to relive the first months of withdrawal... I was so afraid all the time & convinced I was going to die or that loved ones would die & I'd be left all alone. Physically I felt better back then but mentally I was a mess. Now I physucally deal w/ more but mentally I feel stronger- I still struggle but I don't curl up in fetal position in terror anymore. Hoping for fast healing for everyone here... & for hope... Hope is so necissary.
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This is definitely a journey. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad still. I do understand how there can be huge differences- I would never want to relive the first months of withdrawal... I was so afraid all the time & convinced I was going to die or that loved ones would die & I'd be left all alone. Physically I felt better back then but mentally I was a mess. Now I physucally deal w/ more but mentally I feel stronger- I still struggle but I don't curl up in fetal position in terror anymore. Hoping for fast healing for everyone here... & for hope... Hope is so necissary.


Thank you Cad


I'm glad to hear and read of your improvements however small they May be to normal people who have been lucky to never experience this hell, you sound like the worst might be over for you, I hope so as 1 year is way too long never mind 23 months..


I get you on the fear and death, I had it all, still get reminders but not 24/7 like the first year..


I rather walk on hot coal every day than to ever go through a day of this ever again...


Keep going Cad, you got this 💃💃💃



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I am 1 year and 1 week off of klonopin.  I feel that I am mostly healed except for tinnitus and some tingling in my feet.  The tinnitus started prior to benzos, but got worse while I was on klonopin.  I also developed Graves Disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) about 3 months after my last dose of klonopin.  I don't believe that benzo withdrawal directly caused Graves Disease, but I do believe that the stress that I went through was definitely a trigger for developing it.


I wish you all the best!



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I'm about half-way through month 10, and I would say the physical things have improved much more than mental for me (although most everything has improved since the first months). The worst current symptoms would have to be periods of depression, inability to relax, trouble processing existential concepts like time and death, and overall feeling of being stuck without moving forward). Sometimes physical problems that haven't been around for many months will reappear for a short time, but they usually go away just as quickly as they came on. I've changed my diet and exercise habits, but I drink caffeine and a few beers pretty much every day and try to not wish time away.
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I am 1 year and 1 week off of klonopin.  I feel that I am mostly healed except for tinnitus and some tingling in my feet.  The tinnitus started prior to benzos, but got worse while I was on klonopin.  I also developed Graves Disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) about 3 months after my last dose of klonopin.  I don't believe that benzo withdrawal directly caused Graves Disease, but I do believe that the stress that I went through was definitely a trigger for developing it.


I wish you all the best!




Hey PD


How do you treat your autoimmune disease while in withdrawal, is it diet, meds or both ? You seem to have healed quick despite gaining a new illness in the midst of withdrawal, way to go 👍

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you SnobUK!  Sorry it's taken me so long to respond; I was away from the forum for awhile.  I am going the natural route to heal my autoimmune disease.  I am working with a Functional Medicine practitioner and using diet, herbs, and supplements to heal my disease.  I am working on emotions and decreasing stress.  I am also working with a massage therapist that does body work to promote lymphatic drainage, which help the body to detox.



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