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Is this normal after 5 months?


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I've been off Zopiclone (z-drug) for roughly 5 months, and been off Seroquel for 9 weeks now.


I'm having a lot of trouble falling asleep, and when I finally do, I'm sometimes only get 3-4 hours. Then like clockwork, at about 9:30 every morning (when I have my alarm set) I have to have a bowel movement. Not to be too details, but it's usually soft, and rarely formed.


I also get a tingling feeling in my arms, legs, and forehead. Used to only get this at night, but now getting in throughout the day.


Also, very anxious about not sleeping, and not recovering ever. This could be a product of my OCD, or maybe it's the z-drugs/benzos?


Does anyone have any opinions on this? Should I be struggling this much for the short amount of time I took these drugs?


Please comment. Thank you.

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Hey Damien,


From what I've read on here this sound pretty normal.


Sometimes you can feel better in the first few months then get slammed with symptoms later on. It's all part of the process.


Time is the only healer - and for some of us it takes a LONG time. Add more than one medication into the mix and you have a minefield.


You've had some windows and that's a great sign.


Keep going no matter what.

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Last night I tried sleeping at midnight. Started snoring for a few minutes then jolted awake.


Then I couldn't sleep until 5am. Woke right back up at 8am.


Now laying here and can't sleep.


I feel like I need to go back or meds... This is torture!

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I went through that too Damien,


The jolting awake is truly horrible but it will eventually pass.


Remember how you were struggling through the Zolpicane withdrawal and that slowly got better?


The same thing will happen for the seroquel wd. It's just a long, shitty process unfortunately.


Even though my sleep still hasn't returned to normal it is far better than it was, say 6 months ago.


When I'm in a wave and feel like it will never get better I cast my mind back to 6 months ago and I realise that I am healing, albeit incredibly slowly.


You are healing too. It's just going to take time and patience.


I hope you get some sleep soon.

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