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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

22 years on Valium


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Hi, I am Ginger, I have been on Valium for 22 years, I am in the process of going into rehab for 2 weeks to stop. I am just on 10mg a week now. I am hoping to start my taper at a German hospital next week. I hope they give me Valium, as I understand it, yes....we shall see. I have read many things about withdrawal on forums, I think everyone is different, but I believe it will be most unpleasant anyway. I have a missing lung due to lung cancer, 9 years ago, I worry that I can't breathe properly during my withdrawal, the heart palpitations and breathing problems......



edit: name removed from title

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Hello sweetapple,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies and congratulations on deciding to withdraw from long time use of valium.  May I ask you why you want to go to a rehab facility for withdrawing?  Stopping valium after being on it such a long time in 2 weeks is virtually a cold turkey and is not the recommended method for eliminating the use of these kinds of drugs.  While some people are able to handle a fast taper, for others, it can bring on some strong symptoms. Since you have a medical issue due to lung cancer, I would think that a slow, controlled taper would be the best plan for you.  It can help to minimize withdrawal effects.


Here is some information for you to read about these drugs and how to withdraw. The first is the Ashton Manual, written by an expert in the field. The second is to the General Taper Plans.


Whatever you decide, we'll be here to help you and support you.  Please ask questions, the more you know about how withdrawal works for benzos, the better you can choose the plan that works best for you.


The Ashton Manual


General Taper Plans   





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