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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

when to jump


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Looking for advice.I started out my titration almost a year ago.  I'd break it down into quarters. First quarter was terrible s/x. Basically the whole book.  9/10 on misery scale. Q2 was great 3/10.  Q3 bad again 7/10. Q4 has been good. 3/10.  My main s/x is diffuse muscle and joint pain which is compounded by complex migraine with motor weakness.  I've had the good fortune of being provided paid leave from work for last 2 months which is ending Nov 1.  Insomnia was killing me in Q2 and Q3 (leading to almost constant migraines for about 3 to 4 months) but is actually much better now.  Sleep is good now.


However, I  have been quite debilitated by the muscle/joint pain and have had extensive testing to rule out other causes.  There's literally not an imaging study or labs that I could do that haven't been done.  I have some lumbar and cervical spine problems that, without question, have been exacerbated by benzos as they have gotten much worse, pain wise, over the past 18 months without showing any evidence on imaging of clinical progression. There's no doubt in my mind that any underlying joint/muscle problem someone has prior to taking benzo or that occurs during benzo use will experience an amplification of pain signals.  Not just the spine but i have other old sports injuries and the like which have caused more pain in the last year than at any time in the last 20.  My doctors, a team at a world renowned  clinic who I trust, believe I am suffering from central sensitization which is, in simple terms, your nervous system over reacting to pain and causing more pain signals then there should be.  Sounds awfully plausible given what we know about how benzo use affects CNS.  My team leader doctor is convinced that my long term benzo use is a main driver.  It's nice to have that type of support from someone in the mainstream- a rheumatologist by the way.


QUESTION: What do those who've "been there" think about me jumping at .15? 


Since things have been going well regarding s/x during this last 1/4 I have been giving it some thought. Plus, I have 3 weeks before my official return to work which I was hoping I could use to weather some rough withdrawals if any.


Thanks for any feedback. 



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