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Scared Shirtless


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Made it through another day but already worried about tomorrow.  The mornings are the worst with crushing depression and the realization of a life totally destroyed. 


For those healing does it really get better.  It's so hard to see the light when the suffering is so constant and relentless.  ALso, so damned slow.


Thanks buddies,



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Hi Chris, your words were my exact thoughts but just a few weeks ago. Tonight I am sitting here after two productive days. At 25 months I'm finally getting full days of being able to do things now. I still wake up with a cog fog most days and sometimes depression or anxiety, but its milder and not as overwhelming as just a couple weeks ago. I can push past it and get myself focused. The derealization and depression will lessen. I'm not in any window by any means, as I still feel as if there are ankle chains trying to restrain me within myself. But it's at a point now where I can see beyond the terror, beyond the darkness and know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. There's one at yours too, I promise.
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Wow glad to see your healing.  How have you survived for so long.  What kind of support do you have.


Thanks and continued healing.



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