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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I am brand new to this site and am really looking for support and encouragement from people who have been successful in staying off these drugs.  My psych put me on Remeron, Klonopin, and Neurontin after getting off Xanax and not doing well about 5 years ago.  I was able to wean off of Klonopin and Neurontin but stayed on Remeron for 4 years until it stopped working.  My psych suggested I get off Remeron (30 mgs)and told me my PCP could supervise me as I weaned off Remeron over the course of 5 months.  He had me use Klonopin (1-1.5 mg mostly - highest 2 mgs although my rx was for up to 4 mgs nightly) to get some sleep throughout the REALLY, ROUGH taper and eventually had me use it daily to "reset my sleep" which was still an issue and to help with my anxiety after I was totally off Remeron.  I told him I did not want to get dependent and didn't want another wean down, but he assured me if I would be fine if I only used it short term. After about a month, my doctor told me to stop Klonopin cold turkey - which I did.  I only lasted 4 days before ending up at the ER.  They told me I was going  through severe withdrawal and needed to go back on 2 mgs of Klonopin.  I did and the doctor "weaned" me completely off again in 1 WEEK!  It was WAY too fast for me and I ended up back in ER, and back on Klonopin.  At that point my PCP dropped me and said I needed an addiction psychiatrist because my dependence was dangerous.  I found one and she helped me taper off Klonopin for about 3 months.  I have now been off Klonopin for about a month, off Remeron for 6 months, and off Neurontin for about a  week and am dealing with pretty intense withdrawal symptoms.  Can anyone give me hope that this gets better and our bodies DO heal???



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Hello cactussunset,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


Congratulations on being benzo free.  It takes time for the withdrawal symptoms to subside, but these kinds of feelings and symptoms are temporary.  At one month off Klonopin, you're still very early in withdrawal, but things should ease up over time.  Please hang in there.


Here are some links you may find helpful:


The Ashton Manual. Professor Ashton is an expert in the field of benzodiazepine withdrawal.


Post withdrawal recovery support is a good spot where our benzo free buddies post for support.


Please Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Juliea -

I am now 3 months off and still have pretty intense symptoms.  I am struggling.  Just as one symptoms seems to decrease a little another comes one suddenly - or ones I thought subsided come back.  Is this normal?  Can I still heal?  I'm having a rough day today... I thought I would feel a little accomplished getting to 92 days.

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Hi Juliea -

I am now 3 months off and still have pretty intense symptoms.  I am struggling.  Just as one symptoms seems to decrease a little another comes one suddenly - or ones I thought subsided come back.  Is this normal?  Can I still heal?  I'm having a rough day today... I thought I would feel a little accomplished getting to 92 days.


I am sorry you are having a rough day. Unfortunately the healing process is not linear and is often like you describe....right when you conquer one thing another seems to escalate.  Yes, you can still heal. You are healing. It looks like you have 92 days under your belt. 92 days that you never have to do again. I went through a horrible cold turkey withdrawal. I turned a huge positive corner around the 90 day mark and only continued to get better from there, and at one year out I can say I am healed. As awful as you are feeling today know that some day this will all be behind you. I wish you the best today.

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Thank you so very much!  I REALLY needed that encouragement today.  I am so glad that you are doing so well!  It is inspiring to learn that others really have healed and are feeling so much better.  Thank you for replying to me.  It means a lot to me and I am very grateful for you and your message.
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