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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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But I am now going thru effexor w/d... I did taper (see below) and I know what I was in for b/c I have done the AD w/d b4. But OMG this much much harder than zoloft or paxil ( the brain shocks or zaps are relentless, like every 1-2 minutes... not joking). I also wonder how much I am still suffering from benzo recovery.  How much did the Effexor mask the benzo recovery? Did the effexor just delay my healing? I feel I'm in hell again.

But I am not giving in this time... NO MORE PSYCH DRUGS!  I have to keep reminding myself... get better or die trying... no other option this time... thanks BBs for all your support  ;D

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I am not sure about Effexor, I haven't taken it but I do know it causes brain zaps / shocks in withdrawal from what I have read. However, I am suffering hugely with jerks, spasms and brain zaps from benzo withdrawal. Very frightening, particularly at night and I do know where you are coming from.


I am at 3 months out. I think we are at about the same place.


Love Buddy

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