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Astrology Talk


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What do you think of astrology?  Have you had your chart done and interpreted?  Have you studied it yourself?  Do you think it relates to your benzo w/d?  I'm not really sure I believe it, but some of it sounds true for me.  I'm concerned about the declination, or degrees off the elliptical plane which doesn't give a true aspect degree then.  Astrology is intriguing and it's been part of my search in the past for understanding my life here on earth.  I've studied lots of esoteric subjects and this is just one of them.     


I have some much poorly aspected Uranus-Aquarius in my natal chart, which could reflect why I had a nervous breakdown from these benzo's.  Uranus is the planet of erratic, unpredictable, sudden eruptions of activity.  I have Sun conjunct Moon in Aquarius in the 5th house opposite Uranus in Leo in the 11th house.  11th house is ruled by Aquarius.  I've got Mercury (retrograde) in Pisces in the 6th house opposite Pluto in Virgo in the 12th house.  Saturn conjunct Jupiter in the 4th house.  I had an eastern Vedic astrology system chart done and I have a difficult chart with that as well, but have a kendra which is supposed to be grace and pull me out of my problems which seems to be the case.  I now have a Rahu transit until next year which could be about karma.  I certainly do have lots of erratic, explosive and unpredictable energy events occur in my life every single day.  Lots of sudden and upsetting noises.  Mercury retrograde is supposed to give lots of problems with communications and that's true for me:  problems with ppl, electronics, TV, phone, computer, etc.  But, these problems seem to get resolved ok, then. 


Anyone else want to discuss their astrology charts or transits or debunk it and explain why it is all nonsense?  I'm open to any discussion about it.   

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I don't really have an opinion one way or the other. I guess there could be something to it, but unfortunately it's an "industry" that is subject to so many charlatans that it's hard to know really.


I do know that even though my birthday is on 17 June, which is technically Gemini, my personality is far more Cancerian in nature. In fact I don't think I have any Gemini personality traits at all. I guess I could be on the cusp, but I would have thought I would have some Gemini elements thrown in as well. Oh well...... *shrugs*

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I guess with astrology you have to look at your Moon sign, rising sign, and all the other planets to see.  The moon sign is about your feelings, moods, etc.  Sun is your outward appearance to others, I believe.  I think the rising sign is important too. 
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i have a book by Jess Stearn

called A time for Astrology with 30 charts and 50 tables....


its very interesting, but those damn charts are not for my current brain state its too complicated.....




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I studied astrology with many different books and texts, both Eastern and Western.  Both charts indicate a very difficult life for me.  The Indian Eastern Vedic was the most accurate.  Said My signs were in a difficult house, but had a Kendra which got me out of jams somehow.  I've got very badly aspected Uranus-Aquarius, which makes for unbearable upheavals in my life.  Too many oppositions and not enough trines.
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