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hell on earth


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I cant work I cant interact with my kids. I can barely type this message. It seems that nothing helps. I feel like im going to lose my business my kids my girlfriend. It's been 4 months. I called my benzo dr today. Waiting for him to call me back. I cant do this anymore.
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I cant work I cant interact with my kids. I can barely type this message. It seems that nothing helps. I feel like im going to lose my business my kids my girlfriend. It's been 4 months. I called my benzo dr today. Waiting for him to call me back. I cant do this anymore.


I am sorry you are struggling. It certainly is awful isn't it. Most of us have turned a positive corner after 6 months. As awful as your symptoms are know that they are  just temporary. Reinstatement is typically done when symptoms are debilitating.

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