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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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My doctor agreed to do a slow taper but I've rapidly withdrawn off of Klonopin several times, still feel like I am somewhat in W/D even after re-instement and an updose. So, should I risk trying to come off of it in 10 days and just pray or will the slower detox just prolong the symptoms I am still haven. It's important to note that I have Meige's disorder and cervical dystonia. That is what I discovered were the worst of my symptoms last time. It was my condition. I start treatments for it here in a couple of weeks, but with my "history" is a taper going to be of any help or just make me agonize for a longer period of time? Tbh, I just want to "jump" and deal with the first few months of PAWS. What say you, good people of BB?
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The reason reinstates do not work is that the glutamate surge changes brain chemistry putting the brain into a kind of 'EMERGENCY MODE'.  Your brain interprets fast benzo withdrawal as a STROKE and puts up defenses.  These 'defenses' leave us feeling sick for a LONG TIME.  It takes 6 months to get back to normal for many.  Benzo's are like playing with matches in a fireworks factory.  Every move has to be carefully done and VERY slow!  Gaba/Glutamate is a brain system that I'd describe as "ruthlessly unforgiving"!!!!!!!!!!!!





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True. I've been through it but the last time it really "bit me hard". I needed to be re-instated as I have a condition that requires it but it no longer works. So, I know you or anyone else may not be a doctor, but after my injections for my Dystonia/Meige's Syndrome...should I just check myself into the state hospital for detox and monitoring or do a taper. I have, believe it or not, a worse anxiety of tapering.
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They hit me with high and extra heavy doses in my reinstate.


The doc put it to me this way


"Well in the last 120 days you avoided taking

240 mgs of Xanax and the brain wants it ALL back"  :laugh: 


No they did not give me 240 but they did hit me hard with the benzo's at all most double the old dose for almost two weeks, I got fast relief :thumbsup: 

I had to wear a heart monitor and dress in thermal PJ's to keep my body temp up while deep sleeping, had to be woken up every 2 hours!! They gave my husband an EPY-shot and told him how to use it if I did not wake up.  I was 'zonked-out' during my reinstate :crazy::idiot:


I am OK now but have a feeling my ears got ototoxically damaged some how, I still have loud tinnitus that's not healing any longer.  I think this is as good as it's going to get for me. :'(

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Sorry to hear that and don't fret, I hate to say that, but you're still healing. I'm connecting some dots actually. With my neurological condition and Benzo wd's. My reinstatement just made me more "excitable" but I don't feel like I did last Oct/Nov. yet some big symptoms still have a grasp on me. I'll have one good week and a really bad couple of weeks etc...


Question. Have you been to an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor or a TMJ specialist? The symptoms I had last year, in great part were due to my condition, sans the distended veins, heart palps and migraines. I am not a doctor but has anyone considered, as I was recommended to go on a strict gluten free vegan diet and ALSO botulinum toxin injections/dry point needling therapy as a possible solution to assuage most of the more prevalent symptoms? I'm also on Propanalol now which helps the tremors. But I have a neuro now that in addition to my neck is going to try and address the other things, things we all talk about as far as withdrawals go, in relation to spatial disorientation and DP/DR/Jaw tightness and ear ringing. I saw my ENT a few months ago and had Right Mastoid Air Cell Occipification. Antibiotics were prescribed and that was it. But I'm starting to think that dry needling/injections might help a lot of people as tinnitus is usually caused by jaw problems.

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Finally an explanation as to why I stayed sick for six months after detox and weaning down by cutting too fast after that, way too fast.


Thanks for that.



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Finally an explanation as to why I stayed sick for six months after detox and weaning down by cutting too fast after that, way too fast.


Thanks for that.




I really think we are all tapering too fast.  As builder says "NO SUCH THING AS GOING TOO SLOW"  Believe it!!!

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I really think we are all tapering too fast.  As builder says "NO SUCH THING AS GOING TOO SLOW"  Believe it!!!


:thumbsup:  What is best for brain and CNS health?  How do we minimize the damage?  Looking around at all I've learned the past four years, and after reading the work of Perseverance, I'd say a slow daily taper is the best we can do.  Keep yourself feeling good always.  Give it as much time as is needed.

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I'm going slow now and have very few symptoms. I agree with builder.  That's what Jana Hill teaches, go as slow as you need to or as fast as you can without major symptoms. You are just able to make tiny, accurate cuts, or as accurate as you can get.  When you cut pills you don't don't if you are getting fill or V or K. She says listen to your body. I believe she has a very good method. She always said you don't have to feel bad or sick. I'm not anymore.  I don't believe you have to feel sick.


I used the Ashton method when I was on Valium before my pain doctor switched me to Klonopin, 1.5 mgs, to get me off 2 mgs. of Valium. I weaned down from 15 mgs. I stayed on the last two for two years. I knew nothing about tolerance. I couldn't sleep so he put me on K. I will back up Jana H. even though as somebody else said she locked a bunch of us out and I was one of them. Her house got flooded in the CO floods and she got very sick from mold.


I am very grateful for BB, though. I spoke with Geraldine Burns and she recommended this site.

My pharmacist also said go very, very, very slow. He said if it takes five years that's what it takes. (I don't plan on five years :).


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I really think we are all tapering too fast.  As builder says "NO SUCH THING AS GOING TOO SLOW"


Hi Birdy.  I too used to believe that too.  And I put it into practice in a 2 year taper during which I was cutting at an equivalent rate of approximately 5 or 10% a month.


I got progressively more ill as my tolerance worsened until I became exceptionally ill.  I was going too slow and the illness was a consequence of that.  If I had gone twice or three times as fast it would have made my symptoms worse for a while but it would also have brought the awful drawn-out suffering to an end more quickly and I believe with no additional consequences after I had jumped.


I know my  experience is not typical but I don't think it's rare.  So you will forgive me if I disagree with someone who says there's "no such thing as going too slow".



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Thank you, everyone. I've decided that I am just going to get it over with. Most of the symptoms I complained about last year was actually my Meige's Syndrome and Cervical Dystonia sans the crippling dissociation and agoraphobia. I will be on other meds that I've discussed with my neurologist. After my injections and new meds, one of them being an anticonvulsant, I am going to check myself into a 90 day hospitalization detox and mental healthy program. This starting somewhere in mid Nov. coming off of 3 MG's a day of Klonopin. The reason why I have decided that is because I became paradoxical. It's not too fast or too slow and will be supervised.
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