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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I am trying to taper benzo/Clonazepan which I am taking almost 10 years. My present dose is 1.25 mg daily. I started my taper 2 days ago. I am having terrible headaches, body pain. I have added 100mg Gabapentin by my doctors advise. My health is not perfect. Last year I went through very hard time and lost 65 lb. Now my body is very week and I decided to start with 2% withdrawal plan which is very difficult to do. I need advise and help. Thanks.
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Hello, Archo,

Welcome to BenzoBuddies. I am sure you will find this to be a supportive and informative forum.


You have been on a benzodiazepine for a long time. I was, too. You are very wise to start a taper. I am sorry you have had health problems in the past. Hopefully, getting off the clonazepam will help you in the long run....it certainly did for me.

Benzo withdrawal can be very uncomfortable, with all kinds of symptoms, both mental and physical.

Here is the link for our basic Tapering section.




If you take a look on the Home page, you will see we have many dedicated areas of information, plus a great deal of support from our members.


We welcome you, and hope you are feeling better soon.


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Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I'll try my best. I am having very bad withdrawal syndromes. Sometimes thinking that I can't tolerate. Please tell me which tapering metod you would advise me to do. Please keep in touch. Good Bless you.

Thanks again.


With best regards, Archo :)

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Hi Archo,

I cannot give you advice on how to taper. I have no experience in that - I, unfortunately, had to go cold turkey.

If you post your question on the tapering Board, someone will give you their advice. What does your doctor suggest? (If your doctor is helping you with it....)


Yes, withdrawal symptoms can be so severe we don't think we can handle them. This is why its so good you found us, because our members give each other ideas on how to cope with various symptoms. For example, anxiety and panic attacks were very bad for me for a long time. On this Forum, I learned to do slow abdominal breathing to relieve these things....and it worked quite well. Its an easy technique and I still do it when I need to.


But - you may be surprised to find how strong you really are. Withdrawal can test us, but in the end we learn a great deal about ourselves. Even though my own withdrawal was horrible beyond words, I do not regret doing it. I am still shocked at how much a benzo was affecting me, and how much improved I am now.



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Hi East,


What means to create a signature, please advise. I am doing abdominal breathing and even other yoga exercises, but it seems it's not helping a lot with my anxiety and panic attacks. I am also having all kind of pain in my upper body(joints, rib cage pain) and headache. My doctor advised me to take Gabapentin to increase  GABA which will make it easier, but I am taking Gabapentin only before bed. Probably I need to add it, but it makes me drowsy and gives dissiness. I am kind of lost. I don't know what to do. Were you homebounded when you were doing your taperings? I am unable to go out from home.

Please reply.


Sincerely, Archo

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Hi East,


What means to create a signature, please advise. I am doing abdominal breathing and even other yoga exercises, but it seems it's not helping a lot with my anxiety and panic attacks. I am also having all kind of pain in my upper body(joints, rib cage pain) and headache. My doctor advised me to take Gabapentin to increase  GABA which will make it easier, but I am taking Gabapentin only before bed. Probably I need to add it, but it makes me drowsy and gives dissiness. I am kind of lost. I don't know what to do. Were you homebounded when you were doing your taperings? I am unable to go out from home.

Please reply.


Sincerely, Archo


Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.




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Hi Archo,


If you look down below my reply to you, you will see a little "history" of the drugs I was on, what happened to me. This helps other people know a little about you. Its not hard to do one, and benzos-R-cruel gave you the link to do it.


I didn't taper, I went cold turkey. Which isn't a good thing to do but I had no choice (or so I thought at the time). You are wise to taper.

Sounds like you're doing all the right things. They wont make anxiety go away, but may make it easier for you to bear. Many people take gabapentin. I don't think it will hurry up your healing, but if its helping you sleep, then don't be afraid to take it. If its making you dizzy, you probably shouldn't take it during the day - but this is for you and your doctor to decide, not me.

I stayed at home for several months. I couldn't drive, and I felt very ill. Many of us become sort of afraid to leave our homes - this is called agoraphobia. NOT unusual during benzo withdrawal. Once you start to feel a little better, you can push yourself to get out.

Nothing you have told me sounds unusual. Your symptoms are all quite normal, and a lot of others here have had the same symptoms.

You will heal, but it may take some time. You may feel awful for a while but the whole time, your brain and body are healing. At some point you will realize that certain symptoms have disappeared: that is proof of healing. It WILL happen...you just have to be patient and wait for it.

Hang in there, Archo. Don't give up.



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Ibuprofen is fairly safe, if taken in the doses on the bottle. Don't use it if you have a history of stomach ulcers, though.

Some people prefer Tylenol (acetaminophen). I avoid it because it can cause liver damage.


Are you in a lot of pain, Archo? Im so sorry. This is such a difficult process to go through, isn't it? How are you doing today?



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