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I need reassurance it gets better


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I just cut to 1mg, I'm so close, I'll go to .5mg then jump from there but I'm just so discouraged from a lot of what I've read on here, that five months later people are still suffering and it's just already so bad which I can deal with but not forever, I'm expecting the first week or two to really suck but does this all start to ease up with time? The anxiety, the tension, the headaches the pain? being this low sucks because I'm so close yet it's so much harder
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Hey Chard-I am in my sixth month off and while it sucks it is still waaaaay better than when I was tapering.    It is wonderful to be free of being "chained to a med", a lot of my symptoms during my taper are gone, and I know my body is no longer being poisoned.  seriously, it ain't easy but it's is better
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