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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

1 year off klonopin cold turkey


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HI, i was on .25 mg of klonopin once a day for 5 years, i went into tolerance withdrawal and couldnt find anyone to taper me so i went to a holistic rehab and was cold turkeyed.  I have been on POR supplements and have been doing very well.  Back in March i started with a bad cold and heart palpitations restarted,they were bad when i first went into withdrawal. recently i had a urinary tract infection and took bactrim for 10 days and then started feeling really crappy and bad palpitations started again. I am vitamin D deficient and i am starting supplements for that.  I had started magnesium supplements back in march but my heart would pound even harder after drinking the mag. recently, so i cycled off for a couple of weeks.  My electrolytes are normal in my blood work.  But last year when i went into tolerance withdrawal and now my white blood cell count is slightly elevated. Otherwise i do well, but have occasional bouts of feeling crappy. Has anyone heard of palpitations even after a year out, or about the elevated white blood cells
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I'm no medical person, but maybe the elevated white blood cell count could be because your body may still not be done fighting the UTI. Or have you had an elevated white blood count all along during w/d? The body has to work even harder to heal than it would normally, since you're still in w/d. Bactrim could have set off a wave of symptoms including heart palpitations. When I had eyedrops put in at my optometrist's office to check for glaucoma, about two hours later I felt terrible. It started a whole wave of symptoms. I also used to take the POR supplements as well as Vitamin D, folate, B1, B6, omega-3, and magnesium, but I stopped them all. I didn't need Vitamin D and the B vitamins after all, but at that point I stopped everything because I was too afraid of what any pills were doing to my body.


Hopefully someone will respond about having heart palpitations a year out. I've gone through spells where I'll get heart palpitations for days in a row, which recently happened. I don't know why this is. I'm still on Labetalol, so it may have something to do with the effects of w/d while taking that pill. It is something I worry about when it happens because I don't understand it. Also, if I took too much magnesium, I would get terrible heart palpitations. I adjusted and took only a small amount, maybe 125 mg. I didn't realize that I'd have to go through w/d from that as well once I stopped it. The w/d lasted for a few days.   

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thanks terry,

My wbc were elevated when i went into tolerance withdrawal, when checked a few months later they had went down. Now when my blood was drawn this time i was in the middle of heart palpitations and not feeling good, so idk if thats why it is elevated again. I just had 8 more tubes of blood drawn and more urine tests done today.  But the urine was cleared up after the bactrim. I know when i had a cold in march my palpitations flared up and then after the uti and bactrim. i think my body does get set off by things for sure.  and recently i did notice when i drank the mag my palpitations got worse so thats why i cycled off and they have been slowly calming down.  but its best that i get everything checked

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I'm glad you're getting everything checked out and that your body is calming down after cycling off the magnesium! It's unbelievable, the effects of the benzos that can last for a very long time and continue to cause problems for months or years after the last dose. 
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