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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I know you are not doctors but I need some help. My depression is catastrophic right now. It seems to actually be getting worse. I wonder if my meds are making me worse. I'm very scared and hopeless. See no good end to this. I have a chance to go to a facility for a month that says they can get me med free and functional. Does this sound too good to be true. Anyone feel better when they got off of other meds too. I'm honestly desperate.
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Hey bud,you will def start to feel better getting off the other meds after awhile,and if that place or facility says they can do this and help you and get you off,then it certainly is worth a helping hand and a try. Also you'll have diff people working with you to achieve this who are pry wise about how it all works and how they should go about it at a good pace or there methods. Also pry very friendly. I think these people could get you free and it would be the best thing youve ever done. Give it a shot. I think the reward will be happiness.
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I know you are not doctors but I need some help. My depression is catastrophic right now. It seems to actually be getting worse. I wonder if my meds are making me worse. I'm very scared and hopeless. See no good end to this. I have a chance to go to a facility for a month that says they can get me med free and functional. Does this sound too good to be true. Anyone feel better when they got off of other meds too. I'm honestly desperate.




I am happy to see that you are inquiring about professional help. I think that alone is very positive. Would the facility be doing a rapid detox or taper you during a 30 day period?

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I got off not only a benzo, but Ambien and whopping doses of two antidepressants. I am a lot better. The depression I had for years has mostly disappeared, and I feel saner and healthier.

I am very glad you are considering going into a program. You have been struggling so hard, and this might be a wonderful thing for you to do.


The only meds I take now are purely medical meds...for hypertension and anemia. I like it like this, a whole lot. Now, when I feel something, I know its real and not created by all those psych meds and tranqs.


What kind of facility? How do they get you off the meds?



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It's called c2c ranches. It's a holistic rehab. Just fear they use phenibut for anxiety. My life is so destroyed it doesn't really matter anymore.
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That's good, that they don't require it. I wouldn't take kavinace (or phenibut, although at the time I didn't know what phenibut was - I was way too paranoid of ALL drugs to have taken it-)


Holistic....in what way? Yoga, things like that?



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I'm really sorry you are feeling so bad, Satch.


Personally, I wouldn't go to the facility, but that's just me.


I would be afraid I would be worse off after coming out of the facility.

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Logically, satch, why would you be worse off after going there? If you don't take any drug they offer, but take advantage of the services they have, wouldn't you possibly be better off??

It really depends on the facility, doesn't it? What they offer, what their approach is like, their staff, etc.? I did a quick search for c2c and didn't get a clear picture of what they offer, except for the word "holistic". Have you spoken to them?



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Yes. Say they get people off meds all the time. Use neuroscience products with lens neurofeedback technique. Another bb is there now but he only came off of 1.5mg remeron. He said the place is small but nice. Also do the semi bogus neurotransmitter testing.
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I agress with east. But also it is good to face your fears and get proactive or take them head on at some point and do something because if you don't there's no telling how long this will go on and being stuck in the world of psych meds. I get it I really do I was this same way fretting about coming off benzos alone. But you must take steps to get proactive and start getting of these professional or otherwise. Its gonna be a little rough I won't lie..but its your life! Your gonna have happiness back and you back over time. And that is the greatest reward ever imaginable ,substance free and back to your old self over a year or two of healing. At some point I had to pull my Huggies up and Nike just do it'.
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I think going to the holistic rehab center sounds like a good choice. To get help and be in a setting with others would be pretty valuable. You've been suffering alone through this so much. I say give it a try, and good luck!!
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I don't know much about the methods you mentioned. As a nurse, those sorts of things weren't used and my traianing certainly didn't include them (except ordinary biofeedback, which I am familiar with-). Have you done some reaearch about these things? Do they have any merit?


22.5 Remeron isn't a high dose at all. Its actually on the low side. It might be worth trying a higher dose...might give you some relief, including helping you sleep better. Some of the benzo docs use it, as Im sure you know. Many of our members have tried it, and a lot of them have reported good results. It doesn't have a bad reputation for withdrawal, either.


Yes, you could give this facility it good try, see if its a good fit for you. You can always refuse a treatment you have doubts about, and since you will be voluntary, you could leave if you really didn't like it after being there long enough to settle in.

I am so glad you are taking steps to get better, satch.



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Hey satch personally I think these doctors are only contributing to a worser problem because they know its there ass and because they see there's problems. It does sound insane to me to keep going higher on remeron. Yes it is gonna maybe make the depression maybe better beside the natural benzo WD depression your gonna feel ,but then it wears off and causes the exact opposite worse depression on top of all the other side effects being mostly mental that are horrific and as you keep going up the body acclimates and then it sounds like he will jeep pushing it up. I don't think this doc understand what is happenimg with you already with the bz withdrawal and us trying to medicate it with remeron ect and throwing more wrenches in the mix..omg feel so bad for you guy. I can see it like a map of what is going on..I think you should in fact get away from them and get professional help or that c2c ranch and let them help you get to a good life bro. I think you'll be ecstatic..they'll go through it with you for at least the 30 days..and maybe arrange more visit or long term thing to help as time passes.  All those meds are toxic poisons and complicate things even worse..you with me on the c2c bud? I want you to succeed but still do all your doctor stuff until you decide.
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