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My orthostatics are so messed up...


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I've been feeling a little "off" today so I decided to record my heart beats per minute. Here's what I found:


Lying down: 84 beats per minute

Sitting up: 104 beats per minute

Standing up: 120 beats per minute


Going from lying down to standing up within about 3-4 minutes and my heart rate increasing by 36 beats per minute seems quite unusual. I just don't feel like this is normal. I wanted to record my blood pressure but my monitor needs new batteries.


When I stand up I get my usual heart-racing, sickly, fatigued feeling. I don't think this completely has to do with benzo withdrawal because I've experienced this before starting the benzos.


I actually wore a 21 day heart monitor in June and it recorded my heart rate increasing when doing simple things like standing up but the doctor said it was a normal heart rhythm and he didn't think we needed to look further into it. He said some people with anxiety just tend to have a "jumpy" heart. Yeah. Sure.  :crazy:


I personally think I have dysautonomia (a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system).  :(

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I know someone else who had these symptoms.  She monitored her BP and heartrate and worried about it a lot.  She's now a bit over two years benzo free after a c/t from a high dose of Valium and doing well.  She has a one year old baby (and had the symptoms of dysautonomia throughout her pregnancy) and in all respects is fully involved in life again.  Heartrate and BP back to normal.


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I think it will go away and no permanent damage done. But it's very hard not to worry about it, so that's why it's good you did the heart monitoring. Peace of mind anyway. Standing up, mine of 110/71 and BP 68. But I've been a heavy athlete since grammar school. Even got basketball scholarships to Syracuse and Smith College. Chose the former because it had the best journalism school in the country. But should have gone to Smith. I could have found a hubby from Harvard....Then I would have been a lazy-arsed wifey.
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