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New Stevie Nicks Interview/klonopin


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She talks about klonopin again. Google Rolling Stone magazine. Click on Rolling Stone Articles, then click on music. The title of the article is Stevie Nicks on Twirling, Kicking Drugs, and a Lifetime with Lindsey. All FM fans should read this. She talks about a lot of things. I plan to see FM this Tuesday in New York. Can't wait!!!!!! ~~ Bets

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Thanks!  Here is the partial interview where she speaks about her Klonopin withdrawal:




"My favorite song of yours is "Ooh My Love," from 1989. People always forget that one.

That's one of my favorites too. In fact, The Other Side of the Mirror is probably my favorite album. Those songs were written right before the Klonopin kicked in. "In the shadow of the castle walls" — that song was very important to me. I was lucky those songs were written when they were, before that nasty tranquilizer. It was a really intense record. People don't talk about that record much, but it was different from all the others. It was a moment in time. I had gotten away from the cocaine in 1986. I spent a year writing those songs. I was drug-free and I was happy.


Then the Klonopin really kicked in. To go from The Other Side of the Mirror to Street Angel…that was difficult. I was a wreck and the album was a wreck. They're called "tranquilizers" for a reason. You stop being so committed. This doctor had me on it for eight years. Forty-seven days in rehab to get off Klonopin was way more horrific than 30 days to get off coke. The word "tranquilizer" should scare people to death. Xanax should scare people to death. My godson died three years ago at a frat party — Xanax and alcohol, goodbye.


This doctor was a groupie — he just wanted to hear me tell stories about rock & roll. So he kept upping my dose for years. Finally I said, "I'm taking enough Klonopin every day to sink a boat. That's why I gained all this weight, and that's why my writing is terrible, and that's why The Other Side of the Mirror was the last good record I made. This was all your idea."


How do you get past that anger?

That doctor — he's the only person in my life I can honestly say I will never forgive. All those years I lost — I could have maybe met somebody or had a baby or done a few more Fleetwood Mac albums or Stevie Nicks albums. So I'll never forgive him. If I saw him on the street and I was driving — well, I don't have a drivers license and it's good, because I would just run him down.


You've been on such a creative roll lately. How does it feel to revisit these old songs?

It's always intense to look back, but it's always good to remember who you were and what it was like then. It makes me remember how beautiful and frightening it all was. So many of these songs are about me and Lindsey moving to L.A. in 1971, asking each other, "Now what? Should we go back to San Francisco? Should we quit?" We were scared kids in this big huge flat city where we had no friends and no money. But we didn't quit."




Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/stevie-nicks-fleetwood-mac-twirling-drugs-lindsey-buckingham-20141002#ixzz3FEg9aaPw

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I'm just curious.  Do they still rent out steam rollers?    :laugh:

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Thanks for posting Ladies,

just shows how damn dangerous this poison is , when i see posts

saying majority of people get off Benzos without any problems ,

it gives me the goose bumps. :(

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Will be a great show. Saw Fleetwood Mac at Jones Beach in NY around a year ago. So much fun! Enjoy. Looking forward to the recap :)


I'm lucky. We'll have Christine there this time.

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Thanks for sharing! "The doctor had me on it for eight years." She seems to be living a productive, happy life now. Definitely gives me hope. :)
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Was thinking of you. Saw Stevie Nicks on The Voice last night as a coach for Adam Levine's team. Love her. How was the concert?


I wrote the review. It's on this section and called something like A review of the Fleetwood Mac concert. Check it out and respond if you like. I will like to get some replies.

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