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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I have a theory...


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I believe that all of these disorders such as depression, ocd, phobias, paranoia all the mental "illnesses" all have a root cause. That cause is FEAR I believe that anxiety fuels all of these conditions and the body is lacking something which is why a lot of therapy drugs etc may not work for some people... If you are lacking omega 3 and glutathione levels I do not care how much therapy you do I bet you still are anxious as hell. If you keep feeding yourself caffeine and sugary products and crappy food of course you will always have ocd, depression etc. Anyone else agree with this or disagree?
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I believe that all of these disorders such as depression, ocd, phobias, paranoia all the mental "illnesses" all have a root cause. That cause is FEAR I believe that anxiety fuels all of these conditions and the body is lacking something which is why a lot of therapy drugs etc may not work for some people... If you are lacking omega 3 and glutathione levels I do not care how much therapy you do I bet you still are anxious as hell. If you keep feeding yourself caffeine and sugary products and crappy food of course you will always have ocd, depression etc. Anyone else agree with this or disagree?


Not bad Dr.Rarthyr, i am sure there is truth to it,

quite tempted to agree in general. :thumbsup::)

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Thanks, the benzo withdrawal experience has been a good one for me. A real wake-up call. I have realized the poison I was putting into my body and I was lacking glutathione, omega 3, b vitamins etc. If I kept on with my lifestyle before benzo w/d and even before I was on the benzos I would probably be very ill and dying/dead soon after. I think we all need to take this experience as a wake up call to be kind to our bodies and give it what it needs not what "we" need. If you know what I mean. There are of course some conditions that may not respond perhaps even to an amazing lifestyle/diet who knows, but I think being a bit kinder on our bodies cannot hurt us any.
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You are right, it was a wake-up call for me too. Lesson learned from this experience

and knowledge gained how to listen to your body. :)

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You could be on to something. Have omega 3s helped u?

I think it is much fear based, our western culture is filled with fear, uncertainty, images of Gore and violence, you name it. I also think our high-stress culture and societal priorities/ social norms, should not be understated. Financial uncertainty, slaves to debt, stuck at jobs we don't love and usually hate, just to keep getting by, detachment from.family and nature, lack of exercise and sunlight, dependency on modern concepts to provide all basic necessities like food, heat, and medicines that we've Become dependent on.,,,,its all a mess.

Weve forgotten how to be human.

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I agree tobjorn. Sometimes we just have to go back to the basics so to speak. Cut out all the artificial crap like MSG, air fresheners, modern medicines, alcohol, fake foods, computers etc and just be "alive".  I think a camping trip might be good for all of us perhaps.


As for the omega 3, only just started taking the stuff also taking OGF (original glutathione formula). I would say perhaps there is a tiny tiny improvement but I'll give it a few days or weeks and let you know how it goes.

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