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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I am so thankful that I found this site. I have been on a relatively low dose of Klonopin .5mg at night for 3 years due to severe anxiety and panic disorder or whatever new name it is given now. My doc prescribed me 1 mg, but I have, by sheer force of will and fear of greater dependence, refused to take anymore than a .5mg dose. My anxiety appears to be under control, though having read through some of these threads there seems to be a general consensus that these drugs merely mask a deeper issue which I may need to address. I have read through the tapering process and I appreciate the effort that has been undertaken to aid people out of the fog of these drugs. I was just wondering if anyone has had an experience like mine --- lower dose for a few years --- and what methods worked best for them to be free of benzos. What can I expect in terms of withdraws? Some of the stories I have read elsewhere are absolutely horrible and I hope to be able to mitigate any adverse symptoms as much as possible. Thank you guys so much for your work and responses. G-d Bless.

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Hi Moishe :hug:


Welcome to benzobuddies,  you will get a lot of information here. I started off on a low dose for many years before reaching tolerance level.  Benzodiazepines imo should only be used in the short term, no more than a few weeks.


Have you read the Ashton Manual, I will put a link here for you: “Professor Ashtons Manual” It is an authoritative resource on benzodiazepines and how to withdraw, the general rule of thumb is to reduce between 5/10% every 10/14 days


Please feel free to check out the forum and post to any of the dedicated boards, you'll find a great community of people who are here to support and encourage you.


For tapering advice General Taper Plans Board  For support with any symptoms you may have post here: Withdrawal Support


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


If you have any questions, let us know.


Welcome Aboard




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Hi Moishe,

Many members have been on low doses of Klonopin for some years and have

tapered off successfully. it can be quite a challenge but in the end it is worth it.

A sensible taper plan has to be worked out in order to avoid horrible symptoms. (sxs)

don't worry, you will get plenty of advise and help here.

i would join the Klonopin club.



there are two links at my signature which will help you to understand

the process, interesting.


warm welcome from me too,

and all the best

Claudia. :)




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Hello Moishe,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


In my case benzos exacerbated my anxiety problems, I found that I was far more anxious after years of benzo use than I had ever been prior to having taken them but in the early years I just didn't connect it, long term benzo use can and does aggravate anxiety disorders in some people as well as contributing to many other undesirable side effects. I agree with Magrita, I also think that benzos should only be taken for a short term.


Please try not to worry about the taper in advance, some people can withdraw from benzos with little or no problems, you might be one of the lucky one and as long as you taper slowly and carefully, even if you do have some symptoms they should remain very manageable.


As Claudia said many members have successfully tapered off a low dosage, 0.5 mgs of klonopin is not that low a dosage, it's approximately equivalent to 10 mgs of diazepam, good for you that you didn't increase the dosage!


In terms of what you can expect, we can't tell you this as benzo withdrawal seems to be a very unique experience and we all seem to be so different in how it affects us, I'm sure you'll fare well.



I'm glad you found uus and I wish you success with the taper.




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Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys. Debbie, I feel that you are on to something with the anxiety increase with benzo intake. At first it seemed that I was calmer, but then my anxiety would spike here and there -- panic attacks and all the accompanying misery. But I refused to take more pills. I gave my doctor a grilling recently over ever giving them to me. But at the time, I felt like it was the pills or death -- I needed something, so I eagerly filled the prescription. That was three years ago. I tried quitting cold turkey once; that lasted for about 24 hours. It was hellish.


Thank you for the link and kind words, Claudia.


I feel like I have a group of folks who understand me now, as I don't have many friends on these drugs, and I have nowhere to vent my frustration. Thanks Guys



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Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys. Debbie, I feel that you are on to something with the anxiety increase with benzo intake. At first it seemed that I was calmer, but then my anxiety would spike here and there -- panic attacks and all the accompanying misery. But I refused to take more pills. I gave my doctor a grilling recently over ever giving them to me. But at the time, I felt like it was the pills or death -- I needed something, so I eagerly filled the prescription. That was three years ago. I tried quitting cold turkey once; that lasted for about 24 hours. It was hellish.


Thank you for the link and kind words, Claudia.


I feel like I have a group of folks who understand me now, as I don't have many friends on these drugs, and I have nowhere to vent my frustration. Thanks Guys




Hi again Moishe,


You're very welcome for the replies  :)


Yes, I had crippling anxiety at times over the years and depression also and didn't realise at the time why I was suffering so much. I now know that benzos can contribute to this.


Cold turkey after long term benzo use is never a good idea and some nasty symptoms can result. When you feel ready to begin tapering I'd take it nice and slowly, within the guidelines that you've been given. Slow and steady seems to win the race where benzo tapering is concerned.


I wish you well,



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