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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Taking .25 mg Clonaz occasionally w/insomnia


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I've been taking .25 mg Clonazepam on an as needed basis for one year (approximately once a week when I couldn't fall asleep).  Three weeks ago, I developed acute insomnia (up until 5 or 6 a.m. then worsening until I don't sleep at all during the night or day).  I am wired and tired all day and night.  Can taking Clonaz for insomnia cause rebound insomnia when developing tolerance?  If I take the .25 Clonaz now I can sleep, but I'm concerned that my body is developing a tolerance.  I've taken .25 Clonaz twice a week over the last two weeks.  I'm wondering if I can stop taking it completely as I have not been taking it regularly.  Or do I need to taper at 1/2 of .25 once or twice a week?  My doctor insists that I have not developed a dependence due to the low dose and irregular use.  She prescribed Trazadone 100 mg. for insomnia.  Not sure if I should take either.
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Hello tru22,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Taking a benzo in a low dose, even as-needed, in some people can cause a dependence to occur.  Professor Ashton states that low dose dependency is a real phenomenon.  And I've seen many as-needed dosers require a taper in order to stop taking the medicine without suffering some difficult withdrawal symptoms.


Yes, rebound insomnia is a very common withdrawal symptom.  So, my guess is this is your body asking for more regular dosing.  Not necessarily a tolerance to your .25mg dose, but more so a dependency on that dose more often to keep the insomnia at bay.


Since your acute insomnia hit have you increased the regularity of when you dose and if so, how have you dosed?  If I had not increased the regularity of when I was dosing, I would probably just stop taking the medication.  Benzos can be very insidious.  One day we may not show signs of dependency, but then dependency occurs.  I'd wish to stop taking this class of medication for insomnia if I were in your shoes, for this reason.


Here are some links to get you started on the board:


You can post a topic about tapering on our General Taper Plans Board.  The second pink-highlighted post explains the three accepted taper methods.  Also:


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Members discuss their symptoms on Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Welcome to the board!

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Hi tru22,

Benzos are mysterious and can be full of surprises . i agree with Juilea, if you hadn't

increased the dosage i would just stop taking this crap.

Insomnia is no fun, causes can be stress, living circumstances, alcohol, junk food....and so on.

its better to find another solution to the problem.


here is an explaination how Benzos affect the brain.




warm welcome and all the best,

Claudia. :)





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Thanks for the helpful posts.  I've stopped taking the Clonaz (as I had only increased to .25 mg 2 times over the last two weeks, then 1 time this past week).  I figure I'll just stop taking it, let my brain heal and deal with the insomnia.  My doctor suggested taking Trazadone for 7 days to break the insomnia cycle.  I'm not sure that is the best course of action.  I took 150 mg Trazadone last night to get 4 hours sleep and had a horrible headache and dizziness.  Will taking the Trazadone for 7 days then result in a new set of challenges to sleep without it after the 7 days?  Thank you again for your support! ::)
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I have been taking 25mg trazodone for sleep for about 6 months. 150mg sounds very high to me! I've read many people say they take 50mg, but that zonks me out most of the day. I seem to metabolize meds slowly. You might try a smaller dose of the trazodone. Also, I find it matters a lot how much I eat before I take the trazodone. A small snack seems to be the best. A heavy meal or no mean seems to make it not absorb as well or absorb too slowly. Some people are OK with no food, though. Pay attention to that.
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Yes - I believe you are right - 150 mg of Trazadone is high.  I've been reading about Trazadone and it seems like it also works by binding to the GABA receptors (same action as a benzo), and I'm now leaning towards not taking it at all.  A few questions: is there any protocol for a taper from benzo for someone who was taking Clonaz 1-2 times a week at .25 mg. as needed for Cloanz?  I can't find info on this on the taper guides.  For example, should I cut the .25 in half (however imprecisely) and take it 1-2 times this week and 1 time next week to ease the insomnia withdrawal symptoms?  Or is it OK to just stop?  And are there any other options folks use for insomnia that are not GABA receptors (e.g. dramamine, unisom, etc) or do these things also mess up neurotransmitter function in the brain?  I'm hoping to find something I could take 1-2 days a week if the insomnia goes on for more than one full night of complete lack of sleep.  I've also read mixed reviews on supplements and herbs. 
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Trazodone is not in the same class as a benzodiazepine and does not bind to GABA receptors, from what I understand of the medication.


Given the dosing history you have described, I would just stop taking the benzo, if I were in your shoes.


There really aren't any hard fast tapering rules for anyone, even daily dosers.  We generally play this by ear by listening to our bodies.  The folks I've watched taper who were as-needed dosers, usually continued their dosing pattern as they slowly reduced their dose.  But most of these folks I know were 'every other day' dosers.  Your dosing has been much less often.  Truly, I would just discontinue the benzo if I were in your shoes having utilized the medicine once or twice a week in a low dose.

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Thanks for the helpful advice.  I did stop taking the Clonaz.  It has been 7 days since my last .25 dose and it feels good to know that every day I'm further away from the benzo.  I still have insomnia and get these strange muscle twitches at night.  Also a bit shaky and foggy concentration during the daytime.  I've taken L-Theanine (100 mg) once in the afternoon and 100 mg. once before bed and it seems to take the edge off and on those nights I've gotten 2-3 hours sleep (though I still wake up with my heart racing between 1-3 a.m. and stay up the rest of the night). I've read a bit about L-Theanine helping to block the glutamine.  I'm wondering if this is OK to take during withdrawal or is only prolonging the withdrawal time by taking a supplement that holds back glutamine.  I can deal with most daytime withdrawal symptoms as they seem fairly mild, but the full month of insomnia with many nights with no sleep at all is really the challenge.  Do you know of any resources to point me to that would help with the L-Theanine question or offer a better way to deal with the insomnia?  I also decided not to take the Trazadone as it wasn't helping me sleep and resulted in terrible dizziness.  Just not sure how long the insomnia will go on.  Thanks again!
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