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Lorazepam Induced Lymphedema gone in just 3 weeks.


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:angel: I can't believe my arm is normal again. I didn't develop lymphedema until 8 months after double mastectomy but one year on Lorazepam. No one ever suggested it could be a chemical reaction. Not only my arm cleared of lymph but the entire chest area and back where I had 33 radiations decongested too. I have wonderful range of motion with my arm where I only had pain. Saw two different lymphedema PTs for months and neither mentioned the possibility. Lorazepam causes edema by inflaming the area most sensitive in your body. I wrapped, had two sleeves and gauntlets. My husband learned manual lymph drainage so he could do it twice a day. Now nothing. I can wear a ring again with no problems.  Also, the neuropathy that I thought was from the chemo was actually from Lorazepam. My hands are almost normal. My feet are slower but getting better. Please share this info. I know there has to be many more BC survivors that were given lymphedema by medication not surgery.
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This is such good news, thanks for sharing it.  After all you've been through you deserve all the good things that being benzo free can bring, and more.  I wish you all the best in your recovery, it sounds like things are looking up for you.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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