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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Opinion and suggestions


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Hi.  I have been suffering from the effects of benzos and Z drugs since 2006 and am over 3 1/2 years from my last clonezapam and over 3 years since my last zopiclone.  I am still suffering from withdrawal and now feel that it is time that I tried to do something to, hopefully, change how these drugs are prescribed.  I have composed a letter and would appreciate opinions and suggestions on how I can make it more effective.


This is my Story


In late November of 2005 I went to visit a family physician, looking for help during a difficult time in my life. I was on an antidepressant which was changed and within three weeks I was suffering from increased anxiety and insomnia.  The anxiety became so bad that I went to a walk-in clinic (it was over the Christmas holidays and I could not get an appointment with my family doctor) and received Ativan.  After the holidays, I went to see my family doctor and explained what had happened and she prescribed Imovane (zopiclone).  At my next visit about 3 weeks later, I complained of increased anxiety and my doctor added Rivotril (clonazepam).  At no time was I informed that these drugs are highly addictive, should not be used long term and that they had to be slowly tapered to discontinue their use.  This was the beginning of my journey through HELL. 

The doctor continued to prescribe these medications and yet I was still having anxiety and not feeling well.  There was a constant change of antidepressants to try to improve how I felt with no success.  I started to have some unexplained problems and investigations came up with nothing.

This pattern continued and in 2008 my doctor moved away and I went to another doctor who continued to prescribe zopiclone and clonazepam on a regular basis. When symptoms increased, dosages were increased or other drugs added.

In February of 2011, I finally was completely fed up with not feeling well and doctors only wanting to add more drugs to the mix, so I discontinued the antidepressant and six weeks later discontinued the clonazepam.  This was the start of a protracted withdrawal which to this day, more than 42 months later is still ongoing. I continued taking zopiclone until September 2011, not knowing that this was a first cousin to benzodiazepines and causing similar problems.

The withdrawal from these drugs is pure hell.  Head pressure, abdominal pressure and pain, joint pain, major headaches (worse than before), blurred double vision, light sensitivity, unable to eat and lost weight in the first three months only to have stomach discomfort which lead to more eating and weight gain in the following months. Pressure and stinging through face and burning and tingling through tongue and mouth and extremities. The physical discomfort was relentless and constantly changing with one symptom easing up but another to replace it. These were just a few of the physical symptoms I have suffered with.



The mental symptoms were beyond cruel. The anxiety was unrelenting and the feelings of terror were crippling and nonstop, lasting not days or weeks but months to years. Can you imagine living in a state of utter terror day after day after day after week after week after month after month?  Along with this there was dark, black depression, depersonalization where you did not feel part of yourself and derealisation where you did not feel part of the world around you. Insomnia, getting zero to just a few hours of broken sleep. There were months where I could not stand to be alone, I could not go out because of the anxiety. The number of symptoms are too numerous to mention in this short letter.  This has taken a toll on my life, health and relationships with my family and friends.  This has destroyed any enjoyment in my life and taken away 8 years, so far, which I will not get back. 

I have missed out on many family milestones (birth of grandchildren, graduation of my own children), unable to enjoy vacations, struggling just to survive one day at a time. It is taking every ounce of energy and strength to force my way through this horrendous ordeal

It was a number of months after discontinuing clonazepam that, in desperation, I went on the internet to try to find out what was happening to me.  I found a site (bennzobuddies.org) where I read about thousands of other people all over the world with similar stories to mine, suffering from these drugs.  I could not believe that doctors could create so much misery.  I learned that some people had actually committed suicide because they could not deal with the horrible side effects and withdrawal from these drugs and the length of time it can take to recover, if ever.  There are no words adequate to describe what these drugs do to a person.  These drugs were prescribe for non-life threatening conditions.  How could a doctor risk a patient’s life?  There are pages and pages of internet sights warning of the dangers of these drugs and that they are not to be prescribed for more than a few weeks and yet doctors are putting people on them for years.  Dr. Heather Ashton (a British physician) wrote a paper on benzodiazepines and withdrawal in 1985 and traveled internationally lecturing about the dangers of these drugs. Books have been written by people who have gone through protracted withdrawals and I find it almost impossible to believe that the medical community is still so ignorant and in the dark about these drugs.  How can this still be going on???  There is absolutely no excuse for this to happen.  The information and knowledge about the dangers of these drugs has been available for decades and yet it is ignored by doctors.  Just recently a study was released about a possible link between long term benzodiazepine use and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.  When is the medical profession going to take responsibility for what they are doing?

What is it going to take to educate the medical profession about proper use of these types of drugs?  Something has to be done. I cannot believe that this is an acceptable standard of practice.  This did NOT have to happen, it was 100 percent preventable.  Unfortunately, one voice usually makes very little difference but I at least feel that I have tried.


I have suffered over 3 and a half years with withdrawal and am still suffering.  This has been the hardest, most traumatizing, life altering experience I have ever gone through. The misery caused by these drugs and their withdrawal is much, much worse than any condition that they may have been prescribed for. The risk associated with these drugs  FAR, FAR outweighs any benefits.

I was not able to write this letter until recently because the misery I was going through was so great that I could not sit long enough or concentrate well enough to do it. 

That is the extent of the suffering and I was not on one but two mind altering drugs that are not recommended for long term use. Somebody must answer for why this has happened.







Why are benzodiazepines and Z-drugs still being prescribed so freely?  Why do doctors not recognize the dangers of long term use of these drugs? Why are medical students not taught about the dangers of these drugs? Why does Health Canada not warn the public about the dangers of these drugs? Why do medical associations not notify their membership about the dangers of these drugs? Why are drug companies not required to report long term damage from these drugs? How can a whole system be so broken that they are killing people, destroying lives, relationships, careers, finances, homes, health, everything!!!

The withdrawal from these drugs are the worst kind imaginable and can go on for years, if not forever. No, not everyone suffers from this but who gives a doctor the right to play Russian roulette with a patient’s life. Many people will claim that these drugs have saved their lives but they have also destroyed just as many.  This is not an acceptable trade-off.  There are other treatment options. Why are doctors so ignorant about these drugs, not explaining the extremely addictive nature of these drugs, not informing patients that they are not to be used long term and that they cannot be stopped abruptly and must be slowly tapered. They refuse to acknowledge and validate their patient’s complaint.  When a patient says that their medications are making them sick doctors only want to add more drugs to the cesspool they have created and cause more damage to people’s minds and bodies. How dare they ignore and discredit their patient.  How dare they tell them that it is all mental and “in their head”.  How dare they think they know more about what the patient feels than the patient themselves.  Who do they think they are ----- ”GOD”?? 

These drugs should be for “one time only use” and in a hospital setting.  They should not be in the hands of any other doctor.  It is an easy fix for a lazy system which does not listen to patients.  Any complaint for which they do not have a lab test is labelled as “mental disorder, anxiety, depression etc.” and a patient, trusting their doctor, believes them.  The medical system has abused their patients and is not trustworthy.  In my opinion, this is criminal.

Yes, a patient goes to their family doctor during a stressful time in their life and asks for help in dealing with it.  What does the doctor do????........ prescribe a drug.  Not just any drug but mind altering drugs. They are messing with the brain of which they know VERY little.  Science is just barely scratching the surface in understanding the highly complex nature of the human brain and the fact that each person is a unique individual. This was not a life or death situation so why the heavy drugs???  Not only that but no mention of the highly addictive nature of these drugs, possible serious and long term side effects or the fact that they should not be used long term and a slow taper is needed to discontinue their use. Lesson learned from this experience??….. DON’T GO TO YOUR DOCTOR.  You come out in worse shape than when you went in.  These drugs alter a person’s consciousness, emotions, personality and morals.  They affect the soul and no one has a right to do that.  The last thing I expected was to come out of a doctor’s office with an addiction to a prescribed drug. People lose faith and trust in the medical system and this will further jeopardize their health because now they no longer want to see a health care professional even though they may have a serious medical problem.  Whose problem is this?????  Who is at fault?????  No person should ever be subjected to this kind of torture for any reason. 

There is no medical condition that validates the use of a drug that can cause this extensive damage to a person’s body and mind.

There are tens of thousands of people suffering from the use and withdrawal of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs and many, many more on these medications that are having serious health problems and don’t realize (and their doctor is not smart enough to recognize) that these medications are the reason.  Many are polydrugged and leading miserable lives.  Patients trying to discontinue these drugs are finding it impossible to do so and feel much worse and doctors refuse to acknowledge that the drugs are the problem.  Some have committed suicide because they just could not handle the torturous withdrawal and the length of time it can take.

These drugs have been around since the 1960’s and with mass communication and information there is no reason for these drugs to be prescribed long term.  There are volumes of information on the internet…yet, when a patient goes to their doctor and says “I read this on the internet”, what happens?  Doctor rolls his eyes and criticizes his patient.  Patients are becoming much more informed these days and the medical profession is still in the dark ages.  It is unbelievable to think that this can actually be happening.

The following are two articles written in newspapers in the US.  The first in the Boston Globe and the second in the Oregon Bulletin.



These are just a few of thousands of stories of the horrors that people are going through because doctors did not heed the warnings about these drugs.  I cannot understand why narcotics are so closely controlled and benzodiazepines and Z drugs are handed out like candy.  The reason narcotics are not prescribed so freely is because the doctor is required to fill out a triple prescription form and this is closely monitored.  Doctors know that their “ass is on the line” if they negligently and carelessly prescribe them.  This should be the case with benzodiazepines and Z drugs

The drug companies are grossly negligent and irresponsible in their lack of long term studies and research into the damaging effects of these drugs.  They have failed to adequately warn of serious side effects and long drawn out withdrawals, putting patients in danger.

Health Canada has failed to properly inform the public of these drugs (they are the gatekeepers), medical schools are not teaching their students enough pharmacology so that they understand what they will be prescribing their patients in the future.  Medical associations are not educating their membership properly.  I cannot believe that in 2014 this is still going on. 

I never dreamed that going to a doctor could result in years of suffering and misery.  The number and extent of withdrawal symptoms are so great and varying that it is almost impossible to describe them.  Only someone suffering from them would understand the absolute misery and the length of time it can take.




Below is a website that has supported and helped thousands of people going through this terrible ordeal.  It would be wise for every doctor to read about the effects caused by the drugs they are prescribing.


The following are quotes from renowned people:

“If any drug over time is going to just rob you of your identity (leading to) long, long term disaster, it has to be benzodiazepines.”   

---Dr. John Marsden, Institute of Psychiatry, London, November 1, 2007

“Benzos are responsible for more pain, unhappiness and damage than anything else in our society.”

---Phil Woolas MP, Deputy Leader of the House of Commons,    Oldham Chronicle, February 12, 2004

“The benzodiazepines are probably the most addictive drugs ever created and the vast army of enthusiastic doctors who prescribed these drugs by the tonne have created the world’s largest drug addiction problem.”

---Dr. Vernon Coleman, The Drugs Myth, 1992

“If there is a pill then pharmaceutical companies will find a disease for it.”

---Jeremy Laurance, The Independent, April 17, 2001

“To rely on the drug companies for unbiased evaluations of their products makes about as much sense as relying on beer companies to teach us about alcoholism.”

---Marcia Angell MD,  (Former) Executive Editor New England Journal of Medicine

“It is more difficult to withdraw people from benzodiazepines than it is from heroin.”

---Professor Malcolm H. Lader, Institute of Psychiatry London, BBC Radio 4, Face the Facts, March 16, 1999

“Withdrawal symptoms can last months or years in 15% of long-term users.  In some people, chronic use has resulted in long-term, possible permanent disability.”

---Professor C. Heather Ashton, KM, FRCP,  Good Housekeeping, 2003

“Clearly, the aim of all involved in this sorry affair is the provision of justice of the victims of tranquillisers.”

---Paul Boeteng, British MP, 1994


Apparently, the dangers of benzodiazepines has been known for decades and yet nothing has been done to rectify the misuse by doctors.

The following are information websites about benzodiazepines.




Just reading about the horrible impact that these drugs have on a significant number of people is truly upsetting.

It is time that there is more public awareness and stricter regulations on the prescribing of these drugs.  If doctors are not educated enough to recognize the negative side effects and damage these drugs cause than they should not be allowed to prescribe them.

Until there is a reliable test to determine which people will suffer serious effects from these drugs, they should not be so freely prescribed.  The pharmaceutical companies have been GROSSLY NEGLIGENT in their research and studies of these drugs and following them long term.  The education that most doctors get on drugs in from the pharmaceutical companies and their main goal is to make money.  They only present these drugs in the best light possible downplaying any negative aspects.

WHO IS RESPONSIBLE??????  It is NOT the patient that went in to get help from their doctor and walked out with a drug dependency.

It is time that there is more media coverage regarding this issue.  These drugs are prescribed to millions of people and the public has to be informed of what is happening in their society.  I truly believe that these drugs are linked to numerous other health problems, car accidents, crime, suicides and yet there are no studies to research the impact that this is having


I am sending this letter to major newspapers, medical associations, public interest shows, politicians, law firms and pharmaceutical companies. 

It will be interesting to see what the response is.


I am sorry that it is so long.  I hope that I have not broken any rules of the forum.


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Hi pegasus


I am very pleased to see any Buddie taking action.


I would suggest you try to shorten the letter.  There is some duplication of material in there.  I am sure this could be done without taking away any of the message you wish to convey.


I find line spaces between paragraphs makes a long piece of text easier to read.


I will read it again when I am a bit more alert.


LF  :thumbsup:


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Thank you so much for the suggestion and for taking the time to read it.  Sometimes I wonder if doing something like this is just overreacting to this whole mess.


Thank you Morreweg.  I did go to this site and think he was extremely brave to take on the Japanese justice system.  He has a wonderful website and is very informative.  So sad that this is happening all over the world.


Thank you lookingforward.  I know it is long and will try to shorten it up and delete repetitions.  I guess it must be benzo brain and only after repetition do things sink in.

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Thank you so much for the suggestion and for taking the time to read it.  Sometimes I wonder if doing something like this is just overreacting to this whole mess.


Thank you Morreweg.  I did go to this site and think he was extremely brave to take on the Japanese justice system.  He has a wonderful website and is very informative.  So sad that this is happening all over the world.


Thank you lookingforward.  I know it is long and will try to shorten it up and delete repetitions.  I guess it must be benzo brain and only after repetition do things sink in.


Lets face it, its ever so sad and criminal pegasus, i don't think its overacting at all, once i feel

better i intend to take some sort of actions as well.

wish you success. :)

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Hi Pegasus. I have taken out some unnecessary words (IMHO).  The line spaces help a bit.


The letter is fine, I think the addendum needs more editing. I will look at it later.


What does your patient information sheets say about your drugs? It is important to say that the drug companies acknowledge dependence risk. If the PIS acknowledges risk, doctors must know. No excuse.


LF  :thumbsup:


My Story


In November 2005 I visited a family physician, looking for help during a difficult time in my life. I was on an antidepressant which one which she changed to ??and within three weeks I was suffering from increased anxiety and insomnia.  The anxiety became so bad that I went to a walk-in clinic (it was the Christmas holidays and I could not get an appointment with my family doctor) and received Ativan.  After the holidays, I went to see my family doctor and explained what had happened and she prescribed Imovane (zopiclone).  At my next visit about 3 weeks later,  I complained of increased anxiety and my doctor added Rivotril (clonazepam).  At no time was I informed that these drugs are highly addictive, should not be used long term and that they had to be slowly tapered to discontinue their use.  This was the beginning of my journey through HELL. 


The doctor continued to prescribe these medications and yet I was still having anxiety and not feeling well.  There was a constant change of antidepressants to try to improve how I felt with no success.  I started to have some unexplained problems and investigations came up with nothing  This pattern continued and in 2008 my doctor moved away.  I went to another doctor who continued to prescribe zopiclone and clonazepam on a regular basis. When symptoms increased, dosages were increased or other drugs added.


In February 2011, I  had become completely fed up with not feeling well and doctors only wanting to add more drugs to the mix, so I discontinued the antidepressant and six weeks later discontinue clonazepam.  This was the start of a protracted withdrawal which to this day, more than 42 months later is still ongoing. I continued taking zopiclone until September 2011, not knowing that this was a first cousin to benzodiazepines and causing similar problems.


The withdrawal from these drugs is pure hell.  Head pressure, abdominal pressure and pain, joint pain, major headaches (worse than before), blurred double vision, light sensitivity, unable to eat and lost weight in the first three months only to have stomach discomfort which lead to more eating and weight gain in the following months. Pressure and stinging through face and burning and tingling through tongue and mouth and extremities. The physical discomfort was relentless and constantly changing with one symptom easing up but another to replace it. These were just a few of the physical symptoms I have suffered with.


The mental symptoms were beyond cruel. The anxiety was unrelenting and the feelings of terror were crippling and nonstop, lasting not days or weeks but months to years. Can you imagine living in a state of utter terror day after day, week after week, month after month?  Along with this came dark, black depression, depersonalization where I  did not feel part omyself and derealisation where I did not feel part of the world around me. Insomnia, getting zero to just a few hours of broken sleep. There were months when I could not stand to be alone (monophobia), I could not go out because of the anxiety (agoraphobia). The number of symptoms are too numerous to mention in this letter. 


In short, this has taken a toll on my life, health and relationships with my family and friends.  This has destroyed any enjoyment in my life and taken away 8 years, so far, which I will not get back.  I have missed  many family milestones (birth of grandchildren, graduation of my children), I am unable to enjoy vacations and I struggle just to survive one day at a time. It is taking every ounce of energy and strength to force my way through this horrendous ordeal.


A number of months after discontinuing clonazepam, i decided to search the interet to try to find out what was happening to me.  I found a site (benzobuddies.org) where I read about thousands of other people all over the world with similar stories to mine, suffering from these drugs.  I could not believe that doctors could create so much misery.  I learned that some people had actually committed suicide because they could not deal with the horrible side effects and withdrawal from these drugs and the length of time it can take to recover, if ever.  There are no words adequate to describe what these drugs do to a person.  These drugs were prescribed for non-life threatening conditions.  How could a doctor risk a patient’s life?


There are many internet sites warning of the dangers of these drugs and advising that they are not to be prescribed for more than a few weeks and yet doctors are putting people on them for years. the drug companies warn of the dangersProf. Heather Ashton (a British physician and Emeritus Professor) has written many papers on benzodiazepines and in 1985 produced a manual for patients. She has traveled internationally lecturing about the dangers of these drugs. Books have been written by people who have gone through protracted withdrawals. I therefore find it almost impossible to believe that the medical community is still so ignorant and in the dark about these drugs. There is absolutely no excuse for this ongoing situation. The information  about the dangers of these drugs has been available for decades and yet it is ignored by doctors. 


Just recently, further evidence was published of a possible link between long term benzodiazepine use and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s add reference


When is the medical profession going to take responsibility for what they are doing? What is it going to take to educate the profession about proper use of benzodiazepines?  Something has to be done. I cannot believe that this is an acceptable standard of practice.  My ordeal did NOT have to happen, it was 100 percent preventable.  Unfortunately, one voice usually makes very little difference but I at least I will know that I have tried.


I have suffered over three and a half years from withdrawal symptoms and am still suffering.  This has been the hardest, most traumatizing, life altering experience I have ever gone through. The misery caused by these drugs and their withdrawal is much, much worse than any condition that they may have been prescribed for. The risk associated with these drugs FAR, FAR outweighs any benefits.


I was not able to write this letter until recently because I could not sit long enough or concentrate well enough to do it. 

That is the extent of my suffering and I was not on one but two mind altering drugs, neither of which are recommended for long term use. Somebody must answer for this.



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Another thought. Para 1.


You were put on various ADs. Best to put in names as you name the benzos. Add in other name of Ativan


Was Imovane added or instead of ativan? I assume it was added.


Reading the letter again I see that there may be confusion.


You withdrew from AD and benzos. The dangers of long term use of benzos are well known. Is this true for ADs? I have been on ADs for 40 years.


The 2nd half of the letter is about benzos I think.


Now I am getting cog fog and my thinking has gone.


I am trying to read your letter critically as a newspaper hopefully would. Not criticising you.


I think the ADs maybe complicate things a bit!!?


LF  :idiot:









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Hi lookingforward.  The Imovane (zopiclone) was added and the Ativan (lorazepam) was changed to clonazepam.  As with benzos, withdrawal from AD's in individual.  I had discontinued AD's in the past and did not have the problems that I am having with discontinuing benzos.  My withdrawal from AD's was not pleasant but nothing as horrible and long lasting as benzos. 

The 2005 Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialities (The Canadian Drug Reference for Health Professionals)  does give warnings about tolerance and discontinuation problems but in my opinion these are not stressed enough.  If anyone knows anything about drug companies, they have long lists of side effects with just about every drug developed.  This is their way of protecting themselves.  The drug companies should be responsible for continuing studies and research on drugs and warnings should be much stronger.  I find some of their warnings vague and not specific.


Thanks for your suggestions.  Will work on those.

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Hi lookingforward.  The Imovane (zopiclone) was added and the Ativan (lorazepam) was changed to clonazepam.  As with benzos, withdrawal from AD's in individual.  I had discontinued AD's in the past and did not have the problems that I am having with discontinuing benzos.  My withdrawal from AD's was not pleasant but nothing as horrible and long lasting as benzos. 

The 2005 Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialities (The Canadian Drug Reference for Health Professionals)  does give warnings about tolerance and discontinuation problems but in my opinion these are not stressed enough.  If anyone knows anything about drug companies, they have long lists of side effects with just about every drug developed.  This is their way of protecting themselves.  The drug companies should be responsible for continuing studies and research on drugs and warnings should be much stronger.  I find some of their warnings vague and not specific.


Hi pegasus


It would be a good idea to explain that ADs were not much of a problem and that benzos are the main problem and to mention the compendium.


I have read the addendum again.


Whilst the letter is factual and measured in tone, I think the addendum becomes a bit of an emotive rant with insuffient references to support what you say. I fully understand your need to let off steam but it is a bit offputting and may mean some may take you less seriously.


I will try to add in some comments in the text and repost it.


Hey, you have made me use my brain!!?  :thumbsup:







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Have added a few indicators here as to where I think things could be improved.

If you could link your arguments to the sources of supporting evidence a bit better.

Avoid very emotive stuff which you can't back up.

The UK and Australia seem to be ahead of the game so it is good to point tò that.


I am bushed!!


I could not write a letter like this now. Far too much cog fog. I used to publish academic papers and review other people's papers before publication. That was in another life, pre benzo withdrawal!


Good luck


LF  :thumbsup:





Good Questions

Why are benzodiazepines and Z-drugs still being prescribed so freely?  Why do doctors not recognize the dangers of long term use of these drugs? Why are medical students not taught about the dangers of these drugs? Why does Health Canada not warn the public about the dangers of these drugs? Why do medical associations not notify their membership about the dangers of these drugs? Why are drug companies not required to report long term damage from these drugs? How can a whole system be so broken that they are killing people, destroying lives, relationships, careers, finances, homes, health, everything!!!



The withdrawal from these drugs is the worst kind imaginable and can go on for years. No, not everyone suffers from this but who gives a doctor the right to play Russian roulette with a patient’s life. Many people will claim that these drugs have saved their lives but they have also destroyed just as many. ? Evidence for this  This is not an acceptable trade-off.  There are other treatment options such as


Why are doctors so ignorant about these drugs, not explaining the extremely addictive nature of these drugs, not informing patients that they are not to be used long term and that they cannot be stopped abruptly and must be slowly tapered. is there evidence of this in Canada?


next para too emotive, evidence for assertions

They refuse to acknowledge and validate their patient’s complaint.  When a patient says that their medications are making them sick doctors only want to add more drugs to the cesspool they have created and cause more damage to people’s minds and bodies. How dare they ignore and discredit their patient.  How dare they tell them that it is all mental and “in their head”.  How dare they think they know more about what the patient feels than the patient themselves.  Who do they think they are ----- ”GOD”?? 


is this your opinion or can you cite experts saying this? Statements too general, need evidence

These drugs should be for “one time only use” and in a hospital setting.  They should not be in the hands of any other doctor.  It is an easy fix for a lazy system which does not listen to patients.  Any complaint for which they do not have a lab test is labelled as “mental disorder, anxiety, depression etc.” and a patient, trusting their doctor, believes them.  The medical system has abused their patients and is not trustworthy.  In my opinion, this is criminal.


too emotive

Yes, a patient goes to their family doctor during a stressful time in their life and asks for help in dealing with it.  What does the doctor do????........ prescribe a drug.  Not just any drug but mind altering drugs. They are messing with the brain of which they know VERY little.  Science is just barely scratching the surface in understanding the highly complex nature of the human brain and the fact that each person is a unique individual. This was not a life or death situation so why the heavy drugs???  Not only that but no mention of the highly addictive nature of these drugs, possible serious and long term side effects or the fact that they should not be used long term and a slow taper is needed to discontinue their use. Lesson learned from this experience??….. DON’T GO TO YOUR DOCTOR.  You come out in worse shape than when you went in.  These drugs alter a person’s consciousness, emotions, personality and morals.  They affect the soul and no one has a right to do that.  The last thing I expected was to come out of a doctor’s office with an addiction to a prescribed drug. People lose faith and trust in the medical system and this will further jeopardize their health because now they no longer want to see a health care professional even though they may have a serious medical problem.  Whose problem is this?????  Who is at fault?????  No person should ever be subjected to this kind of torture for any reason. 


There is no medical condition that validates the use of a drug that can cause this extensive damage to a person’s body and mind.



There are tens of thousands of people suffering from the use and withdrawal of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs and many, many more on these medications that are having serious health problems and don’t realize (and their doctor is not smart enough to recognize) that these medications are the reason.  Many are polydrugged and leading miserable lives.  Patients trying to discontinue these drugs are finding it impossible to do so and feel much worse and doctors refuse to acknowledge that the drugs are the problem.  Some have committed suicide because they just could not handle the torturous withdrawal and the length of time it can take.


Good point -cite evidence -

These drugs have been around since the 1960’s and with mass communication and information there is no reason for these drugs to be prescribed long term.  There are volumes of information on the internet…yet, when a patient goes to their doctor and says “I read this on the internet”, what happens?  Many doctors may not? Evidence that this is the cae,Doctor rolls his eyes and criticizes his patient.  Patients are becoming much more informed these days and the medical profession is still in the dark ages.  It is unbelievable to think that this can actually be happening.


is this the evidence for what you have said above?


The following are two articles written in newspapers in the US.  The first in the Boston Globe and the second in the Oregon Bulletin.



These are just a few of thousands of stories of the horrors that people are going through because doctors did not heed the warnings about these drugs.  I cannot understand why narcotics are so closely controlled and benzodiazepines and Z drugs are handed out like candy.  The reason narcotics are not prescribed so freely is because the doctor is required to fill out a triple prescription form and this is closely monitored.  Doctors know that their “ass is on the line” if they negligently and carelessly prescribe them.  This should be the case with benzodiazepines and Z drugs

The drug companies are grossly negligent and irresponsible in their lack of long term studies and research into the damaging effects of these drugs.  They have failed to adequately warn of serious side effects and long drawn out withdrawals, putting patients in danger.

Health Canada has failed to properly inform the public of these drugs (they are the gatekeepers), medical schools are not teaching their students enough pharmacology so that they understand what they will be prescribing their patients in the future.  Medical associations are not educating their membership properly.  I cannot believe that in 2014 this is still going on. 

I never dreamed that going to a doctor could result in years of suffering and misery.  The number and extent of withdrawal symptoms are so great and varying that it is almost impossible to describe them.  Only someone suffering from them would understand the absolute misery and the length of time it can take.




Below is a website that has supported and helped thousands of people going through this terrible ordeal.  It would be wise for every doctor to read about the effects caused by the drugs they are prescribing.


The following are quotes from renowned people:

“If any drug over time is going to just rob you of your identity (leading to) long, long term disaster, it has to be benzodiazepines.”   

---Dr. John Marsden, Institute of Psychiatry, London, November 1, 2007

“Benzos are responsible for more pain, unhappiness and damage than anything else in our society.”

---Phil Woolas MP, Deputy Leader of the House of Commons,    Oldham Chronicle, February 12, 2004

“The benzodiazepines are probably the most addictive drugs ever created and the vast army of enthusiastic doctors who prescribed these drugs by the tonne have created the world’s largest drug addiction problem.”

---Dr. Vernon Coleman, The Drugs Myth, 1992

“If there is a pill then pharmaceutical companies will find a disease for it.”

---Jeremy Laurance, The Independent, April 17, 2001

“To rely on the drug companies for unbiased evaluations of their products makes about as much sense as relying on beer companies to teach us about alcoholism.”

---Marcia Angell MD,  (Former) Executive Editor New England Journal of Medicine

“It is more difficult to withdraw people from benzodiazepines than it is from heroin.”

---Professor Malcolm H. Lader, Institute of Psychiatry London, BBC Radio 4, Face the Facts, March 16, 1999

“Withdrawal symptoms can last months or years in 15% of long-term users.  In some people, chronic use has resulted in long-term, possible permanent disability.”

---Professor C. Heather Ashton, KM, FRCP,  Good Housekeeping, 2003

“Clearly, the aim of all involved in this sorry affair is the provision of justice of the victims of tranquillisers.”

---Paul Boeteng, British MP, 1994


Apparently, the dangers of benzodiazepines has been known for decades and yet nothing has been done to rectify the misuse by doctors.

The following are information websites about benzodiazepines.




Just reading about the horrible impact that these drugs have on a significant number of people is truly upsetting.

It is time that there is more public awareness and stricter regulations on the prescribing of these drugs.  If doctors are not educated enough to recognize the negative side effects and damage these drugs cause than they should not be allowed to prescribe them.

Until there is a reliable test to determine which people will suffer serious effects from these drugs, they should not be so freely prescribed.  The pharmaceutical companies have been GROSSLY NEGLIGENT in their research and studies of these drugs and following them long term.  The education that most doctors get on drugs in from the pharmaceutical companies and their main goal is to make money.  They only present these drugs in the best light possible downplaying any negative aspects.

WHO IS RESPONSIBLE??????  It is NOT the patient that went in to get help from their doctor and walked out with a drug dependency.

It is time that there is more media coverage regarding this issue.  These drugs are prescribed to millions of people and the public has to be informed of what is happening in their society.  I truly believe that these drugs are linked to numerous other health problems, car accidents, crime, suicides and yet there are no studies to research the impact that this is having are you sure there are no studies?


I am sending this letter to major newspapers, medical associations, public interest shows, politicians, law firms and pharmaceutical companies. 

It will be interesting to see what the response is.


I am sorry that it is so long.  I hope that I have not broken any rules of the forum.

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Lookingforward  ...  Thank you so much for your input.  I can't help but be emotional about this and I feel that if it lacks any emotion that it will not have an impact.  I agree with backing up statements with supporting evidences and will try to fix this.

I didn't mean to cause you any stress with this and truly appreciate your help. 

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Hi pegasus


oh no, you did not cause me stress.  I do miss being able to use my brain properly though.


it is an emotive subject and certainly it is going to have emotion in it, but not too much.  That is just my opinion of course.


I think that government bodies would want facts rather than emotions but newspapers I am not sure.  depends on the newspaper I suppose.The better quality papers would want facts I suspect.


I have been thinking about the addendum again.  I assume you are in Canada as you mention Health Canada.  I am wondering if you have any evidence as to the situation in Canada.  Number of prescriptions issued per year, for example. Number of dependent users.  I know nothing about what is happening in your country re benzos.  I know it is very hard to get any data.  In the UK we only have estimated numbers.  The UK Govt House of Commons All Parliamentary Committee on benzos might be worth referencing.  It might carry some  weight with Canadian Government Departments.




I was also wondering if you would be able to cope if you got lots of responses.  I don't suppose you will but just in case, have you thought about it.  You say you are struggling each day so maybe worth just thinking about.  If you were asked to go on radio/tv would you mind that.  I know I am getting a bit carried away here, but you just never know.  It only takes one keen journalist to start the ball rolling .....


If I think of anything else I will post again.  I tend to lie in bed at night and think about such things!!!!


I hope your health continues to improve.  You sure have had a long haul.




LF :smitten:







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Lookingforward ... I will do more research to back up some statements.  Very good suggestions. I still feel that the human (emotional) element should be included, after all, that is what these drugs mess up so much and that should be made known.

Your comment about being able to handle responses is very valid. Some days I think I could and other days I know I couldn't.  I will keep working on this and the day will come.

Thank you again

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Hi pegasus


I wanted to say thanks for giving me a reason to push my brain to work. I was exhausted but it felt good just to try again.


I have reread the paragraphs which I thought were too emotive and I feel they are ok today. Perhaps I was over tired yesterday. It surely is a very very emotive subject.

I hope you can find some data for Canada.  It would be interesting to know what is happening there.


I found this article on the internet


It is a study of Belgian family doctors' attitudes to benzo prescribing published in the Canadian Journal of Family Physicians.

What is interesting is the Editor's key points at the end of the article. His comments suggest that the medical profession in Canada is well aware of the problems associated with the prescribing of benzos.  If you look at no 9 in the list of references at the bottom you will see it is a study of hypnotic use in 35, 000 Canadians. Clearly this subject is being extensively researched in Canada. Highest use of hypnotics was among the elderly, as is the case here in the UK.

Family doctors presumably have the opportunity to read this journal so should be aware of the debates re benzos.


This is the kind of background information you need to find. Unfortunately it is not always possible to access the medical literature without journal subscriptions.


This is what I used to do when I was working in research in the NHS in Scotland. I loved it!!!  >:D


LF  :thumbsup:



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Thank you lookingforward.  The link was very interesting and show that doctors really need a lot more education about benzos and alternative treatments. 


I hope you are moving forward in your recovery and will feel better soon, glad that pushing your brain has been rewarding for you.  So sad what these drugs do to such amazing brains.



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Not to poo-poo your plan, but I don't think this is any good as is. Purely constructive criticism follows:  letter rambles and lacks direction. You should add an introductory paragraph - short, and to the point - which describes the Problem you intend to introduce (ex: benzos are addictive and lacking strong regulations, and that you intend to outline a plan of action for fixing that). It must be objective, outline what you're going to cover, and it must NOT start off with your Personal story (reader thinks, "why must I read about this person's life, I dnt even know what they want our me?")  Contrarily, an objective, factual and succinct opening paragraph will give your reader an upfront understanding of your motive. That is a foremost Necessity of any letter.


After your to-the-point introduction is in place, I think you should trim back the length of your letter. I understand why you have a lot to say, but sending personal rambling to a professional of any sort won't help. They aren't going to read it, its long and rambly. Shorten that, keeping its contents as full of scientific citations as possible. Mention your personal suffering, but try to keep it to a small paragraph that hits only the major, essential points. If you re-read, you'll find many of your statements are redundant. We get the point - you're sick.....but we don't need every iteration of that, what we need (assuming we've now been convinced that this probem extends beyond you or a small minority)  is a plan.


So what is your PLAN? What are you proposing? Did you mention it? If you did, it got lost in everything else and was missed by your reader. Tie in a strong plan with the problem introduced in your introduction, and Make sure it doesn't go unmissed (ie. Keep letter to one page, max, with personal details minimized beyond making your case). The plan must not be oversimplified "good vs evil" but should account for problems that any regulatory changes might incur, and how you think we can overcome them


Finally, just scrap your addendum. It its no good; it makes leaping assumptions about what is taught in medical school (if you Make claims like that, you better be prepared to back it by being a med school student or professor etc) and other things like inferring that drs believe they are God...this is not a professional way to proceed, and I don't see this type of talk being taken seriously outside of personal circles. Stick to objective facts.


I'm not being mean or belittling your struggle- my intent is to guide you to make constructive changes. See what you think of them.



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I re-read, and I just have to add, in addition to the above:


Look, you have a problem here beyond paragraph construction. I think my points above will help allot, But there's more you need to see. You don't actually have a story, for this type of thing. I know you have a personal story that matters very much, but for this kind of work, you need more. I'll demonstrate the problem by rewording how your letter reads, not to be insulting but to elucidate why this won't stand without lots of work. My short translation follows (remember, this is also what any generic reader probably reads, more or less.)


"Hi. I have problems. I've had problems since year XX. My doctor gave me a legal prescription drug. I kept having probkems. (Reader thinks: what drug/procedure are you upset about, I don't even know yet, and how does this involve me?) I took the legal drug, as recommended by medical professionals. Then, I found people on the internet, and they all said my problem was the drug and they had the problems too. Therefore, this drug is bad for all people (note: general logical fallacy, will get you burned in any intellectual/professional circle). After stopping medication lijje the internet People did, I got sick. This is all the doctors fault. How can they be so cruel? How can they be so stupid? I am sure all of my problems were caused by this drug. So we have to do something about this drug. Lije, make doctors more scared to prescribe it or something.  I don't know the details of how this will work, but despite not being a Dr, I am certain that we must take action against this drug.....do something. I'm sick, and I don't trust doctors or medical science. Thank you for reading, bye".


Did I exaggerate? Well, maybe, But I really don't think very much. That's what it might sound like. Now I'm sure you can see, with my over the top Summary, why this is not going to get results.


I support your effort and desire to reform the way we handle medicine. You need more study, However, before turning to higher authorities. PLEASE, do NOT make the transition from "I took a drug under licensed medical care" To "people on the internet who were not doctors guided me away from that medicine and give sad stories, therefore medical science is wrong." Do not do that, it makes you very uncredible, you just can't do that. I know BB seems big, but in the large picture we are very small. You can't use anecdotal BB people as your smoking gun; you must use scientific literature and, to a lesser extent, your own experience, validated by your own self.


You mentioned "many books were written about benzo wd"....why do you not cite them, or summarize briefly they're findings??? You know, a one-liner that really grabs the Attention would be great. That's not the thing to skip over.


Good luck, sorry for my spelling, I'm typing on my phone in bed.


Ps....please, again, for the love of the cause, ditch your addendum. I'm not even going to go into how Terribke it is, except that, despite admitting that this drug is a suitable treatment for some people, you personally don't think it's fair to prescribe in case it might cause harm to some other population, and you have v to be making several sweeping generalizations about doctors when you imply no warnings are given - you surely haven't talked to every doctor, and many do warn (case in point, 2 out of 3 of my doctors warned me.) Etc etc.....etc,


I swear I'm not trying to be An assholes here, I really do mean to help, and as a person who generally looks at statements logically and objectively (as I should hope all of our governing officials do too) I am telling you, this sort of thing is not going to stand, its not going to be held viable....it will be seen as a rambling of a person with logical fallacies and rhetoric, and no real action. That is the truth of it. It is also true that if you're not a Dr or medical researcher, no one will take your opinion on how modern medicine should be handled, seriously (nor should they.) Your addendum makes allot of strong claims about how benzos should be prescribed (ex: "these should be one time use drugs," "the fact that not everyone suffers w/d does not Make it proper for doctors to take chances" and so forth....) but the reader is thinking, "who the hell are you to make such stands?" And that isc exactly the response they should have, as they are people who are making big decisions and must do so based on fact - fact which is supported by verifiable literature, through studies that can be analyzed for validity, retested by others, etc. You, nor me, have any business saying what doctors should do, or assuming that we know Why they Make the decisions they do. It you're not a professional and you don't have publications of your own, you're out of line.  No one in any governing assembly cares what you think simply because you think it.  They might care if you bring credible FACT to their attention.


That said, If you've git a specific gripe (I.e. my drug pamphlet doesn't warn that X...." or "this paper by Stanford university showed that the drug is statistically correlated to problem X which was v unknown before....." and so on)....if you've got a specific gripe that you can back up AND propose a solution for, please proceed with it. Everything else, is for your diary.


Well....I'm done rambling now  :laugh:

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Hi pegasus


I just wrote a long post and lost it.  :'( :'( :'(


I agree with torjborn to a large extent.


Professionals want facts based on evidence plus logical argument.


However, a powerful personal story has a place too.


It depends on the purpose of the communication.


This is not an easy undertaking by any means.


That is an abbreviated version of what I wrote in my long post.




LF  :smitten:





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Hello Pegasus,


I think you've done a terrific job with your letter!

Sure, parts of it are emotional but I think it's important that "those in the know" hear how these drugs have profoundly affected our lives on an emotional level.

I'm in Canada too. Have you read Joan Gadsby's 'Addiction By Prescription: One Woman's Triumph and Fight for Change'?

She has done a lot to bring awareness in our country. You can order the book directly from her website or I'm sure Chapters could get it in for you too.

If you visit her website (http://www.addictionbyprescription.com) you can click on "Facts" and maybe find something there that will be helpful to you.

Anyway I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Good job!


Chinook  :thumbsup:

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Thank you chinookwind.  Really appreciate your comment.  I have not read Joan's book but I have read websites about her experience.  It is such a shame that people are still suffering from the effects of these drugs. There is a lot of information about this but yet it is still going on. I often wonder what it would take to see any meaningful change.

I sure hope you are healing from your experience.

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Thank you chinookwind.  Really appreciate your comment.  I have not read Joan's book but I have read websites about her experience.  It is such a shame that people are still suffering from the effects of these drugs. There is a lot of information about this but yet it is still going on. I often wonder what it would take to see any meaningful change.

I sure hope you are healing from your experience.


You're welcome Pegasus.

I hope you can read Joan's book, it's the best benzo book I have read.

She also produced a documentary for TV (maybe CTV?) called 'Our Pill Epidemic: The Shocking Story of a Society Hooked on Drugs.'

I think what it will take (to see any meaningful change) is testimonials from people like us.


Thank you for your well wishes. Tomorrow marks my 5 year anniversary benzo free.

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