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New doctor wants me to change medication


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Hi Everyone,


I haven't posted in a while. I have been doing OK, slowly but surely. Not too many withdrawal symptoms and they are usually almost settling after a week or two then I cut again. I've even been getting on better with my doctor. I didn't choose to do this and at first I was very angry with her for forcing me into it but I now want to do it.


Then yesterday I orderd a reapeat prescription of the liquid from the doctor and today I had a call from the receptionist to say my regular doctor is on holiday and another doctor wants to see me before approving it. I was worried about why and it seems that he wants to suggest I change to a different liquid as the Lorazepam is difficult to get. I really don't want to change. It took me ages to adjust my mind to doing this and I am now feeling resonably OK with it. It's not easy, but I know roughly what to expect and how to deal with it. I don't mind ordering it a week early as it can take them that long to get it. I wish they would leave me alone and stop messing me around. I've done what they wanted now they want to change me again.


Does anyone know what they might want to change me to? The only other liquid I know of is Valium. I know there are advantages to switching to that but right now I am doing OK. Better the devil you know and all that. I've reached a point where my taper isn't the total focus of my life and I don't want to slip back.


The other thing that upset me is my regular doctor is leaving soon. I'm upset about this especially as she assured me she wouldn't be leaving in the near future as we have had a lot of changes at our surgery. I'm worried a new doctor might want to stop me tapering because of the cost to the NHS or even just tell me to stop altogether.


I'm sick of not being in control of my own health!


I now have to see the doctor tomorrow afterrnoon which is difficult because my daughter is coming and she is also going through a crisis, she has Aspergers and has relationsip problems with her boyfriend. I wanted to concentrate on her tomorrow.


I'm thoroughly fed up with doctors :tickedoff:



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Hi Bella :hug:



Its good that you have a better relationship with your doctor.  Tell him you prefer to stay on the Lorazepam.  If this new Dr is going to change you to Valium liquid, you should also let him know the equivalence.  Lorazepam is 10 times more powerful than Valium so you would need equal dose in Valium if this is indeed his intention.


Good Luck








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Thanks Magrita. I'm really panicking today over seeing a different doctor. I don't like doctors anyway due to things that happened in my past. I find changing to a new one difficult and this will be the third change in 2 years at our surgery.


I really don't want to switch to Valium right now. I am coping and I want to leave well alone. It annoys me that they don't seem to understand how much it affects you and that you also have other things in life to deal with. They just rang on Thursday and told me I had to see this new doc and since the liquid can take a week to come in I have to go today which was really inconvenient. We are going away next weekend which is stressful in itself and my daughter and her boyfriend are going through a crises and have to leave their flat by the end of the month, I don't want anything else to deal with. :(

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Sorry your having to deal with this Bella.  The doctor might surprise you and be ok with leaving you on the Lorazepam. Try not to worry, let him know its tough enough going through this,without having to change to a medication that doesn't agree with you.


If it takes a week to come through, why cant they order it 2 weeks in advance  ::)


I hope it all goes well for you


Magrita :hug:

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