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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Insomnia returns, questioning why I am even bothering


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See sig for latest taper info.  In short, was around 1.25mg/night at peak, then down to .5mg/night for the last 6 months or so.    Read the alzheimer/benzo news article on Sept 10 and started tapering again.  Dropped to .37 and was still able to sleep.  Now I stepped down to .25mg and my insomnia is back.  The same thing I started taking this medicine for.


I need my sleep.  Can't function on 4-5 hours a night. 


So frustrated.  Zero support from my family.  Starting to think more about exit strategies down the line (not now).

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Hi Kitty,


Have you tried Kalms? It's a herbal remedy and it works for me. I don't get insomnia very often from withdrawwal but when I do Kalms works fine. I had really bad insomnia when I was pregnant with my daughter and it worked then too.


I'm in the UK but I think you can get them everywhere. They are on Amazon.


Insomnia is awful.



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Is there ANYTHING out there that helps insomnia that isn't a benzo and won't make me dependent?


Remeron (mirtazipine) is a very effective sleep aid (7.5-15 mg).  I took it for about 3 years and had absolutely no problems discontinuing.



I have also found doxylamine (OTC antihistamine)  to be very effective.

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Is there ANYTHING out there that helps insomnia that isn't a benzo and won't make me dependent?


Like Builder said, Doxylamine. Or Trazodone. Script only.

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I second the Remeron.  I sleep like a baby and could sleep 12 hours if I didn't make myself get up.  Currently tapering down rather fastly.  Only bad side effect I'm having is horrible vertigo and slight depression.  Remeron is awesome.  First time I tried to taper years ago I had to stop because of insomnia and waking up in puddles of sweat.  Not so bad this time around.. so far!
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Insomnia is such a beast. I'm sorry you're having to deal with it right now. :'( Please know you're not alone and it will eventually pass. I've had some wicked bouts of insomnia but with perserverence I've made it through.  :thumbsup:


It sounds like you've got some good supplement/medication suggestions in this thread. I don't know if you've read my post on tart cherry juice, might be worth checking out: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=117370.0

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You could always try a dose in between .37 & .25?  Something like .30?  Make sure you're stable then cut again?  Just throwing out a possible suggestion that the last cut was maybe a bit too much.
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I am on the autism spectrum and have had trouble sleeping all of my life.  I am also epileptic and take phenytoin for that.  Thankfully I have some old medical records where my neurologist noted I complained about insomnia when I was late teens.  So it's not my imagination.


Comments or Questions about the above recommendations:


Remeron - Is it addictive?  What side effects?


Doxylamine - Is it addictive?  What side effects?


Trazadone - tried this in 2012.  workekd slightly for a short time then I guess my body acclimated and I started taking more, then got used to that.  Stopped taking.


I am open to a second medication to help with insomnia but I don't want to discover years later that there is a remeronbuddies type website for people who have/had issues with that med (just using remeron as an example).  Nobody told me how awful benzos were until too late.

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