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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Before/After questions..


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I'm posting this here because I am just curious on some input.  I am new to the whole w/d thing.  My main reasons wanting to get off are extreme vertigo, dp/dr.  Now that I think about it, the last time I had a relationship was about 5 years ago, when I started Kpin.  I haven't been able to "feel love" since.  Has anyone else notice this since starting Kpin?  Do those feelings come back after?  I miss being head over heels for someone.  I miss getting excited over stupid stuff.  Is this Kpin deleting those feelings?  Thanks for any input-


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Yes, blame the klonopin. I suffered from emotional blunting while I was taking it (10 mg) and didn't get them back until I was on 3 mg. It cost me my marriage.
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Oh yes. Emotional blunting is common in benzo users. I had it, too. I just didn't care anymore, my feelings were flat and foggy.

This is another good reason to get off the drug.

You'll be all right, Machina.



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Machina, my heart truly goes out to you. I would say that the one thing that deeply hurts me, is the numbness and complete lack of emotions I now have.

I know in my heart, that its 'just not me', but for loved ones to even try to comprehend this....well, there is no words really.

I'm not a youngster anymore, divorced, but now have a wonderfully accepting and understanding partner, which, to be honest, I don't really understand (certainly ain't for my money!)

So, when alone, I think....who'd want to be with me? I'm loveless, thoughtless, and very often not nice to be around...but she still loves me, and wants to help. If I didn't have both her and my daughter in my life, I'm sure I'd be gone by now...not trying to be OTT, it's true.


So, my answer to you, is yes...as abnormal as it feels, it's now normal. Don't matter what benzo you're on, how much you take, or for what amount of time....perhaps not for everyone, but it sure has for me.


I'm talking as someone who's also new on here. I'm learning new stuff everyday, some of it hard to stomach, but this place has many good people who are genuinely here to help.


I hope that when I'm better, the feelings I so miss, will come back....I'm positive yours will too.

Take care

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Hi Machina - I wasn't taking K - just a complicated bit of xanax for a short time, but the lack of feeling is one of the things that bothered me the most during recovery. Even after my intense and consuming fear was gone I just couldn't care to love. It took a few weeks but it slowly came back - sort of in "fits and starts". It'll take different time for everyone I imagine but I'm loving full on like before. I still have some symptoms to deal with and when the anxiety kicks in I'm not just the same as before, but that's fading. And even when I'm excessively worried, I still know that my emotions are there. Yours will come back in time for sure!
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