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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Beware of the double edge sword

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Obviously how we all got here was by going online to self diagnose ourselves and thank God we did because this site and people are amazing.  I can say I honestly would have lost it if not for BB.  But I want to tell people once you know you are in w/d and there will be times that you will doubt that you are still in wd because it has been sooooo freaking long and your mond will say it is something else and the doctors missed something you will go online and self diagnose yourself again and you will convince yourself you have 100 other possible diseases.  DO NOT, DO NOT do this.  It will only add to your fear and torment.  It amazes me that once I started to heal and calm down how all is well again and the doubt of it has to be something else has gone away.
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Thank you for posting this. Its so true! Yet, many of us do this. I have wondered why it is so common for benzo withdrawal people to worry it is something else. All I can come up with is that we weren't expecting to feel so awful, it comes as a shock and we start to worry if we have a disease.

Glad you are feeling so much better. Good job!



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I was just thinking about you today, I want out! It sounds as if you're healing in a great way, and I'm so, so happy to hear that!!!  :smitten:


Thank you for the advice, as I know there are many times I've thought I had something else besides benzo w/d. Symptoms keep lasting for a long time or they go away only to come back. It's hard to think that it could be from w/d all the time and definitely wears on me.

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Thank you Terry.  I am much better.  Not out of the woods but on the edge ready to step into wide open fields.  How are  you?
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I think its tied in with the fear a lot of us feel. We are scared of everything (anxiety gone mad-) and we are intelligent so we have to start wondering if there is something else wrong with us. Its almost impossible NOT to have this worry. But if we are reassured often enough, we might be able to deal with it in ways other than running up huge medical bills looking for an answer.

Then again....there is the rare person who really does have a medical condition causing symptoms. One of our members recently posted that he saw doctors about certain head symptoms, and a brain lesion was found. He is being worked up for MS.

This is why we usually encourage people with severe symptoms and worry to see a doctor "just to make sure."



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I wish I could say I was doing as well as you are, I want out!! I'm healing, though, and improving, but it seems to be taking a really long time. I've been on multiple pills besides benzos, though, so I'm sure that has something to do with slower healing.


I remember your posts from the past, and I can tell you're feeling so much better. It really gives me a ton of hope for myself!!! Thanks again!!!

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As the old saying goes, "I've come a long way, baby!"

Try not to worry that you're seemingly slow healing. It doesn't matter. In the long run, you are healing and will eventually feel good. People who took many substances (legal or not) may take longer. These variables are (to the best of my knowledge) unproven, but the evidence is pretty strong. We slowpokes learn a lot, in the process - maybe even more than other folks.

It is frustrating, how slow it can be for some. Very frustrating.



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This post was a really good reminder. I needed that. I think the most difficult part is feeling good for a few days and then WHAM!, hit again. It is so disheartening when you think you're over the worst of it, just to be thrown into the pit again. Do these "waves" eventually get far and fewer between? WHEN?
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The hardest part is when you feel better and tend to forget how bad the waves feel! I know I have felt great for a while and then today for no reason, all of the sudden I got a queasy feeling that was very uncomfortable. I felt weak. it felt like a panic attack but it didnt't last. After that, the tears came for no reason. Now, I don't feel tp great! I keep wondering if something is wrong with me. Deep down I am pretty sure a wave started because there is really no other explanation but I have sat here for thr last 4 hours self diagnosing myself becausr I just "can't be sure" it's really a wave. Ask me this question 7 months ago and I was 100% sure and knew how to deal with it! It's so itritating!!
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