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xanax dry cut taper plan help


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hey everyone. new to the board. im gonna just post what I did in the introduction section here. while reading it know that I already decided to do a xanax dry cut. Any help from others in my situation would be greatly appreciated.


Well here is my story. Started taking xanax .5mg about 3 months ago for panic disorder. Was taking it on an as-needed basis, but the last month i basically took .5mg everday, once a day only(yes i know its a small dose compared to most others on this forum). I never took more then .5mg once a day for the entire 3 months and I sometimes in the beggining especially I skipped a couple days in between doses, but like I said the last month i basically took it every day. I never had any withdrawal really until i tried to stop completely, made it 4 days and then could take it anymore, took my normal dose, felt better for a couple days, took another dose, then tried to tough it out completely and I lost that battle. After about 48 hours since my last dose and I was having terrible panic attacks, hot/cold flashes, tremors/twitches all over, cloudy foggyness just a terribly uncomfortable feeling so I just did .5mg and i feel much much better almost instantly. So hes my dilemma, what do I do now? Should I try to go to the doctor and get a valium script and possibly c/o, or should I try to ween the xanax down and jump off that relitively soon. im aleady at such a low dose and I havent been taking it for too long so if i can just get past the first few days Ill probably be ok? Ive also though about just taking valium for a few days to get past the hump and see if that will work? Any advice would be greatly appreciated and specifically anyone that has been in my situation as far as dosage and time being on xanax would be phenomenol. Sorry if this is a rant my head is kinda cloudy still. Im so glad I found this forum as I really dont have anyone that I can count on to help me out as far as family and friends go. BTW Im on a 6mg per day dose of suboxone for my past opaite abuse that I plan on keeping at that level until im free and clear of these god damn benzos


thanks a lot



i started taking .25mg twice a day after my inital post. still dont feel totally right but this is only the second day trying to stablizile. Is it common when trying to CT and then get back on a stable dose that it takes a few days to feel normalish again. Any thoughts, support, taper advice, etc would be greatly appreciated


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I take valium .5mg at bedtime. I have had bad withdrawal from previously trying to go off trazodone and at another time prozac (both low doses). Cutting pills is not very accurate, so I bought a milligram scale and plan to try to go off the valium and/or the trazodone by dry cutting and weighing the pills. Just need to decide how to start, with trazodone or xanax. I think just reducing the xanax could work if you are making very careful reductions. The scale would help.
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