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Anybody's tinnitus go away POST taper?


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Hi Lisa,


I'm 17 months benzo free and tinnitus only occasionally bothers me now. I notice it when I'm very tired or stressed but otherwise I'm not aware of it. I'm hoping that with a bit more time the tinnitus will completely peter out.


I hope this helps,



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I really hope it will get easier one way or another. My tinnitus as well as hyperacusis increased dramatically about a week ago. I have been really hopeless. It's hard to fight against tinnitus, there's not much you can do.


One good thing, I guess, is that at least hyperacusis should go away for the most part. It is painful, because when noistinnitus irritate you, you cannot mask it by listening to music or having tv on, because those noises irritate you even more. So you just have to keep it quiet and listen to your tinnitus.


I am post-taper, when it comes to benzos, but I think my taper off of amitriptyline has caused me these problems I'm having now. Of course there is no way of knowing it, only your own sensations.

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The tinnitus started for me 5 weeks after my last dose of xanax. It was super hard because I was terrified of it and to that point had been extremely grateful not to have it. I've always been extra sensitive to repetitive sounds or things like flies buzzing. I never had the ability to tune it out like most people seem to have.


Anyway - the tinnitus is now barely noticeable most of the time and that's even when I stop to listen for it. It amps up periodically but now I know that it's not going to be my constant companion so it isn't nearly so troublesome.


It doesn't scare me anymore and that has made all the difference. I was too scared even to read much about it because I didn't want to see anything negative. Once it got better I did a lot of searching on BB for stories and found so many that were positive...for people who had it during taper as well as those who didn't have it until after.


Hang in there! It WILL get better! The more you believe that the easier it will be for you until it subsides!



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