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Anybody's tinnitus go away during taper?


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Hi Lisa,


I answered this question on your other post, here is what I said:


I'm 17 months benzo free and tinnitus only occasionally bothers me now. I notice it when I'm very tired or stressed but otherwise I'm not aware of it. I'm hoping that with a bit more time the tinnitus will completely peter out.


I hope this helps,



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Tinnitus has been almost constant throughout my one-year taper.  In fact, it was my first tolerance withdrawal symptom that I did not recognize as tolerance.  HOWEVER, sometimes it goes away completely for a few hours.  This did not happen earlier in my taper.  So, this gives me hope.  Maybe as you get lower or off the drug, yours will fade in and out too, and then OUT for good.  Let's hope for both of us.
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Sometimes it gets better, a little less louder, but most of the time mine is here, and for good.  This is the most persistent symptom i have, never had one entire day without this ringing.


I´m on 5/10 mg Zolpidem for insomnia, quit k CT 2 months ago.



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My tinnitus went away during my taper.  Over time it lessened.  Every once in a while it comes back, but only for a few hours.


Hope this helps.

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