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Had to increase klonopin dose after attempt to switch from pills to liquid


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Hello, I recently transferred from klonopin pills to syrup (made at a compounding pharmacy). I wanted to get on the syrup so I could reduce it very slowly. I was on the syrup for 7 days, and was only supposed to take my usual .75 mg per day. But the syrup was truly ineffective and, at the pharmacists encouragement, I took up to 1.75 some days. After just one week, I switch back from the syrup to the pills, felt normal again, then started creeping down to .75. I am having trouble getting below 1.00mg klonopin/day -- i cant believe i got used to a higher dose so fast. I feel so frustrated for having to add another .25 for essentially trying to do something that would help me get off this stuff.

Should I just level out at 1mg/day for a couple weeks and then begin a taper? I really need some assistance and encouragement.

Also, it seems my panic attacks always happen at either 2 or 3 am. Has anyone else experienced this, does it have to do with klonopin, and do you have any insight for me?

Blessings to you all:)

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Not too surprising to me that switching formulation is having an effect on you.  Probably best to just start at 1.0 mg now and begin your taper.  I understand the frustration in 'increasing' your dose, but you may not have actually increased it.  Perhaps you can think of it in this way...  For your particular physiology, the equivalent dose for 0.75 mg of klonopin (in pill form) is 1.0 mg (in liquid form). 


Yeah, it may cost you an extra few weeks of tapering, but in return, you may have an easier time doing your taper.  So maybe not a negative (or much of one).  Please don't let something like this bother you.  Stabilize until you're ready, then get through the taper.  :thumbsup:

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