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Had to stabilize on a higher dose of Valium


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I suggest you go to the valium taper support group in the forums and you will get some good answers to your questions there from people who have done what you are planning on doing.  In my opinion I would hold at new dose at least 2 weeks before tapering but again I am not tapering valium so it may be different. 
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As Kgirl said, I would hold there for at least a couple of weeks to make sure everything feels better. Once you are stable on 20mg how are you planning on tapering from there? Please just cut small amounts (maybe just try 0.5mg initally). That way you hopefully won't feel the need to take extra doses when things get rough. It's much better to cut small amount more often than larger amounts less often.


Here's the link to the valium support thread http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=96753.0

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According to the Ashton manual i should be able to cut 2mg since this is 10%. Has anybody tried this and succeeded.


I personally have cut all along 5% every two weeks of K. When I get to my Valium C/O, my pdoc said he will drop it 5% every three weeks, b/c Valium has such a long half life. A long process I know, but I'm willing to do it to avoid more severe w/d symptoms. I have none right now. ~~ Bets

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The Ashton method is a guide only. It really doesn't matter what it says you "should" be able to cut. You need to cut what your body will allow you to cut. I'm guessing that if you try to stick to that 10% that's when you'll be feeling the need to take those extra tablets. The Ashton Method is too fast for a lot of people. Just try sticking to very small cuts for the time being until you feel more in control.
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