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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hello, I have already posted in the Introduction forum, but I thought I would post it here, too, in a dedicated forum... Here is my post:



Hello, thank you for this wonderful forum... There are not many places where you can find help regarding benzos...


I have this question... For at least 10 -12 months (maybe more) I have been taking Lorazepam... I did it in a very bad way... skipping days, irregularly... It would usually take 0.5 mg one day, then skipped the next. But, quite often, I would take it 2, and seldom, but it happened too, I would take 3 pills in a row... then take a one day break.


As I counted, I would take an average 25 of 1 mg pills for every 70 days...  So, it would be, on average, about 0.39 mg a day.


At some point I realized that it's a very bad idea... so I switched to water titration and started to take 4 even doses a day...


Unfortunately, I did one more thing I probably shouldn't have done - I reduced the dose of the benzo to 0.25 mg a day (in 4 doses) in a couple of days. I feel the reduction - the WD symptoms include anhedonia and anxiety... Is it possible for this amount of reduction to cause it? It's been 11 days since the reduction... How should I up the dose, and to what level?


Also, if I use the water titration method, is it possible that, due to the titration process, I may, in fact (statistically), provide the body with less of the active substance than in the case of the pill method? What I mean is that, if I dissolve a 1 mg pill in the jar, some of it (even though I rinse everything down super carefully, dissolve it as best as I can, etc) could end up somewhere else (evaporation, sediment, on sides of the jar, etc, etc), in which case maybe it would be advisable to probably up it to more than the initial 0.39 mg? What do you think? What would be the best option here?


Thank you so much for all your help and advice!


ps I understand we are all different, and it might be difficult to predict, but how much time it may take to start improving after going back to the original dose?



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