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Question about my tapering plan


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Hey everyone.  First I want to say, I love this board and all the people I've met so far.  Everyone has been extremely helpful that I've interacted with.  So thank you!


So here's what's going on.  I stabilized at 2mg/day and held for approx 5 days before making my first cut.  So far I've made 4 cuts over about 5 weeks.

1st cut - .25mg hold for 11 days

2nd cut - .125mg hold for 11 days

3rd cut - .125mg hold for 8 days

4th cut - .125mg holding


I was planning on cutting every 10 days - 2 weeks and taking about 6-9 months to taper, but I'm feeling a sense of urgency now because the doctor who prescribes my xanax is also my pain doctor, and a lot of pharmacists have stopped taking his prescriptions.  I haven't been experiencing a lot of symptoms, the biggest one (and most persistent) is tinnitus, which really kicks up after cutting, and then dies back down after several days.  Also, some increased sleeplessness and anxiousness which goes away relatively quickly. 


The last 2 cuts, however, I've experienced very sharp pains and nausea in my stomach due to constipation, which I've never experienced before (not constipation but the associated pain and nausea).  It goes away within an hour or so.  I think it's gas pains, but honestly, I'm not sure as this doesn't often happen to me, and I'm not sure if this is a sign I'm cutting too large or what.  Is this a benzobelly related pain?


The other thing I'm wondering is, for those of you who have tapered directly from xanax, if you experience relatively mild symptoms, and you cut a little faster, is this bad?  I've noticed some people will cut every 2 weeks or so, and then cut every few days. 


Also, what about after you jump?  Does a mild taper mean you might have worse problems recovering later?


I know this is a lot of questions, and honestly, I wouldn't even be asking if this whole issue with my doctor hadn't come up.  I would be sticking to my original plan of cutting .0625 every 10 days, and not trying going faster or cutting .125 instead.


Thanks bunches for ANY input anyone has for me.


~K    :smitten:

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