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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I jumped a week ago, but wasn't sure I'd last the week...glad to say I have survived  :D


Had originally planned to jump at 1mg or .5mg V, but personal circumstances meant I'd rather be off the pills now rather than in a month or 2, so I jumped from 1.5mg V. I was afraid I'd get slammed with symptoms, so decided to get rid of all my pills, BUT if it wasn't tolerable within a week, get a refill and resume the taper. This is how it went.


Day 1: 7.75hrs sleep. Woke feeling weak and with abdominal pain & nausea, read BBs, felt stronger and with some anger as day went on. Slow dumbbell exercises calmed me down.


Day 2: 7.75hrs sleep. Felt weak on waking again, couldn't focus - took 9 hours to order groceries online, had trouble finding words when on the phone. Read BBs. More alert in evening, then VERY alert: couldn't get to sleep that night due to visual memories (good ones, mainly of places) popping up one-after-another like a slideshow


Day 3: 3.5hrs sleep. Abdominal pain all morning. Read BBs. Seriously considered reinstating and doing a daily milk taper. Ordered measuring cylinder and syringes. Afternoon, miraculous recovery, relaxed feeling in jaw, able to concentrate easily on reading.


Day 4: 6.5 hrs sleep. Headache. Stressed about upcoming family event, kept going over stuff in my mind. Read BBs. Went a short walk. Spoke to social worker on phone about the event and decided not to go. Finally calmed down.


Day 5: 6hrs sleep. Physically and mentally better than last few days. Spent 3 hrs revising old study notes. Jaw relaxed, abdomen relaxed. Read BBs.


Day 6: 6.75 hrs sleep. Blinding headache all day long, sore eyes, angry, stressed. Snapped at a friend and we are no longer speaking. Tried listening to guided meditation on youtube, but it didn't work. Ordered a new watch from Amazon. Eventually just lay in dark. Pain finally subsided past my bedtime...but I then became revved up, heart thumping, hands hot and sweaty...was awake almost until my waketime.


Day 7:... finally drifted off for about 3hrs..non-functional day...didn't feel too bad, but just lay in bed...browsed BBs...watched a comedy.


Today: 8.75hrs sleep. Sore joints, nausea, but better after a couple of hours. Weeded garden for 3x20 min with breaks in between. More memories returning. GP apt in afternoon. Said I was off the diazepam and asked for my repeat prescription to be stopped. GP was pleased and asked about BBs - he remembered the site from when I told him about it in July - and I hope he mentions it to any other patients who wish to come off benzos. I asked for more procyclidine as I've been using extra to combat nausea.


So it's up and down, but overall not as bad as I feared. Fingers crossed it continues like this and gets better  :smitten:



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Hi rhu8arb, its such a hard journey, awful.

forgive me,but when you said you ordered a new watch from amazon, it made me smile

and brought back memories.


Glad you have survived, :D Congratulation,

take it easy, i wish you a speedy recovery. :smitten:

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Congratulations!  So happy for you!!!  I love these Benzo free celebrations.  Great inspiration for use still in taper when you think you might never be able to get off.  Thank you for sharing.
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