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Back pain


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Hello! I am benzo free for 42 days now!The last two weeks I start having a low back pain,but not like before the benzo,it was like big muscle spasms preventing me from moving.i thought that it was because of been on the bed for so long time,so I try to walk a little bit but this was worsening every day!at this point I am 3 days on bed not being able to move and as my lower back is getting better my upper back feels like every time I breath it is going to break!i feel like there is broken glasses between my vertebraes,I feel like my spinal cord is swelling...and I really don't want to go to a doctor again!!!it just reminds me the feeling that I had for some days every time I cut off some of the pill,but it is worse!if someone else has or had the same experience please give some feedback,because I don't understand what's happening and how this could be related to the benzos!
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Yeah, back pain can really suck.  I had some really strong muscle contractions around the two-ish month mark following a night when I exerted more than I had been (which wasn't much).  My contractions weren't centered in my back.  They were more in the gluts, legs and my sides.  Fortunately, they didn't last long for me.  Sounds like you were in/on your bed a lot recently, so maybe this is just your body reacting to movement again.  Perhaps the benzo withdrawal is adding to it.  Go easy for a couple of days, and try (consciously) to relax your back muscles. 
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I had exactly what you have. It started during my taper. I never had a problem before that.  It was definitely the withdrawal (WD). WD can cause muscles to tense. I was doing some housework at home and I put all my weight on my leg - the next day the problem started. Severe lower back pain, pain between shoulder blades and in my leg. You might want to go to your doctor to get it looked at so you know what the problem is and if there is an injury. I did not - my experience with doctors has not been good. Here is what I did - chiropractic to straighten my spine, acupuncture, massage therapy once a week, pain relievers. I also started an alkaline diet - alkaline foods reduce inflammation vs acidic foods which cause inflamation, which causes pain. You can get a pH test kit at the health food store for about $15 - that will tell you your alkaline/acidic score. I had to cut out all stress and rest as much as possible. My situation lasted quite a while. You should probably start with a doctor before you try any other treatments - you don't want to make it worse.
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I dont have contractions but is it possible for withdrawal to aggravate old injuries or problems?  I have arthritis in lower back and may have injured some discs but ever since withdrawal no amount of chiro or massage can relieve the pain.  Its a strange pain that involves a lot of tingling.
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I solved most of my back issues with a new bed and chair but I still get flareups of low back pain and they always coincide with waves so I know that the benzo wd has some influence.
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