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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Some hope for people that went cold turkey off benzos - for the past two weeks I've been pretty good, during the day my symptoms are almost non-existent and I only get slight anxiety or depression during the evening for an hour or two at the most - I do still have some physical symptoms that include muscle stiffness, eye lid spasms and eye focusing problems that are present all day but compared to the mental torture of anxiety they don't bother me. I know that this could just be a really long window and I could go back into a wave tomorrow, but this period of relatively normality is giving me hope and has helped ease my depression.
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Some hope for people that went cold turkey off benzos - for the past two weeks I've been pretty good, during the day my symptoms are almost non-existent and I only get slight anxiety or depression during the evening for an hour or two at the most - I do still have some physical symptoms that include muscle stiffness, eye lid spasms and eye focusing problems that are present all day but compared to the mental torture of anxiety they don't bother me. I know that this could just be a really long window and I could go back into a wave tomorrow, but this period of relatively normality is giving me hope and has helped ease my depression.


I just signed on and you are the second post I have read where someone is finally feeling better from a cold turkey withdrawal. I am so happy for you. You have to feel great. :)

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Thanks for the support guys, still don't think it's over yet, I still think there's a few more long waves coming up... I was petrified that I was going to be protracted as I saw loads of people on the protracted forum who c/t'd and most people who had a short withdrawal were the ones who had tapered.
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Thanks for the support guys, still don't think it's over yet, I still think there's a few more long waves coming up... I was petrified that I was going to be protracted as I saw loads of people on the protracted forum who c/t'd and most people who had a short withdrawal were the ones who had tapered.


Go Max! How do you feel????  :smitten:

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It is good, don't get me wrong and although I'm doing a lot better but when the mild anxiety creeps in I sort of think to myself, "What if this is as far as I'm going to heal?" and that thought gets stuck in my head until the anxiety lifts then I feel good again. I guess I've just got to plough on! :)
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