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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

introduction please!! Klonapine is the devil!


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Zio10 here an I've been on clonazepam or Klonapine since May 14 during a detox from Tramadol habit of 8 yrs. Last 3 yrs was up to 15-20 pills a day of Tramadol.  Went to detox an came out with Klonapine. 1mg tabs. Rx said take 3 a day. At first I did or halfed them then backed off more fr them but still taking half twice a day an 1 pill at night.Then two wks after detox put on Zoloft.  Horrible sideeffects started mnth an half after starting Zoloft.  So after 2 1/2 mnths of taking it I fadt tapered off the 50mg Zoloft.  25mg for 4-5 days then 12.5 mg for 11 days then last pill on Aug 30. So wwasn't paying to how much Klonapine I was taking an I think my body said wheres Zoloft oh, heres Klonapine but not hardly tak just ng it now. So started withdrawals fr Zoloft an having Klonapine to. Went back to psychiatrist, who I fired cause he I zzz a jerk an doesn't care about his pts. He told me I was on baby dose an prescribed .5mg pills 3x a day. Need good tapering schedule.  Rt now on .75 mg in am an n pm. I feel horrible. Jo UK nts hurt, headaches bad!& also mad an agitated an cryin all time! I want of this med. Its the devil! I have 2refills of 90 pills of .5mg pills. Liver enzymes went up fr normal tolow 50's while on ZZoloft.  Went back to lab after 4-5 wks of off Zoloft.  They came down to 40's. Any tapering suggestions would b great. Also whar to take while having withdrawals.  Thanks!
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Hi zio10,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


I was on clonazepam for a few years and it did a number on me so I can relate.


If you are looking to taper off of the benzo you've come to the right place. We have many members here who are tapering or have tapered off of benzos so I'm sure you will find the information you are looking for. You might want to start on the General Taper Plans board.


Are you familiar with The Ashton Manual? It is great resource for anyone who is withdrawing from benzodiazepines.


Also, when you get a chance it would be helpful for you to create a signature line so other members are able to provide support based upon your situation. Click here when you are ready to create your signature.


Again, welcome aboard!


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Hi zio,

All Benzos are serious buisness and Klonopin seems to be the biggest monkey

amongst them. i would work out a sensible taper plan and get off this

crap for good. our members will help and support you.

here is the Klonopin club.



how do Benzos affect the brain ?



Any medication that will help ?

In my opinion only time is the healer, you might find

the other medication section helpful.



good to have you with us,

and all the best

Claudia. :smitten:



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Hello zio10,


I too would like to welcome you to the forum  :)


Congratulations on getting off the tramadol and the zoloft and you've made a good decision to begin tapering from the klonopin. I'm sorry to hear how you've suffered as a result of the meds.


General tapering guidelines are to reduce the daily dose by between 5% and 10% every 10 to 14 days according to how you are feeling, tapering slowly is advised to ensure that the withdrawal effects are kept to a minimum. However, as you have only been taking the klonopin for a few months you may well be able to taper a little quicker than this as taking too long to taper will obviously prolong the dependence. A good tip would be to listen to how your body reacts to the cuts, let your body decide the taper rate.


Personally, I couldn't tolerate any supplements at all when I was tapering, I found that supplements caused a rev up in symptoms and this seems to be the case with other members also. It's a good idea to avoid alcohol while you're tapering as alcohol can make your taper more difficult than it needs to be as can too much caffeine which is a stimulant. Should you decide you would like to try a supplement I would check out The Other Medications board here first before you buy it to see what the experience of other members has been. I say this because I spent a lot of money on supplements when I was tapering only to find I coudn't tolerate any of them, Claudia has given you a link to that board.


I'm glad you fond us and I wish you success with the taper.



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