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Is it important to even out doses while tapering?


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Hi there,

I have been following the advice given in this section and tapering about every two weeks, add a few days if I feeling crappy, thanks Birdman for that. It does help.


My docs appointment is a oct 13 th and I have enough Ativan to seem me thru till Nov 3 rd so hoping that's ok.

here's my question...


I started my taper on 4 mg of Ativan, I mg every 4 hours 10 am to 10 pm. I'm down to .75 mg 10 am, .5 mg 2 pm, .5 mg 4 pm, and .75 mg 10 pm.


I now almost every day feel quite sick after 5 pm which means, not feeling like eating and running and hiding in my bed all evening. I'm good from 11 am to 5pm so is that because the loading dose at 10 am is higher?


Should I even the doses out again to .625 mg every 4 hours, hold that till i feel better than start another cut? It's been over a month since I felt ok after 5 pm.


Thanks for any help you can give me.



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It's perfectly fine to adjust your doses a bit so that you feel more 'normal' throughout the day.  When do you feel the best (during the day)?  You might take a little bit of med from that dose and apply it to the time of day when you feel the worst.  Don't increase your overall daily dose (you want to continue to slowly decrease that).  But no harm in tweaking the amounts or even the times that you take your meds so that you feel better throughout the day.
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Thanks so much Badsocref,


I do believe I will do that, just doesn't seem right that I feel pretty good for 4 hours following my morning dose, but not the rest of the day.


Never fear I will never increase my daily dose only lower it. I want to get rid of this devil.


Thanks a lot,



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