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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Low Dose Ativan klonopin


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I am looking for opinions as to what degree benzos are playing in my condition.  I quit nicotine summer of 2013 and got terrible in somnia.  After struggling for some time and a pending business trip to China my doctor gave me some Ativan and Ambien to help me sleep.  In Mid November to mid December I took Ativan0.5mg/ Ambien about 10 times.  On Dec 20 I woke up twitching all over my body.  From Dec 20 to Jan 6 I took Ativan 0.5mg a day then switched to Klonopin 0.5 mg a day till beginning of March at which I tapered over a two week period and took my last dose Mar 14.  I continued to twitch like crazy and in the first part of April I developed muscle stiffness in my abs, back and trunk. I continued to have this pain til April 19 then I started Ativan again at 0.5 mg til May 16 where I tapered over a one week period. I still had tightness in my trunk and chest even while I was taking the ativan at 0.5mg a day.  I started taking ativan again at 0.5 mg a day June 19 and started getting pins and needles in my leg as well as some leg pain as well as some involuntary leg jerking two weeks ago (sept 15). I cut to 0.25 mg a day two weeks ago which is where I am now. 


I guess my question is could this drug at the amount I am taking have such profound effects on my muscles?  I know I asked this before but I didn't tell the complete story before and  im desperate for answers.  I'm miserable and the dr has no answer.

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I am looking for opinions as to what degree benzos are playing in my condition.  I quit nicotine summer of 2013 and got terrible in somnia.  After struggling for some time and a pending business trip to China my doctor gave me some Ativan and Ambien to help me sleep.  In Mid November to mid December I took Ativan0.5mg/ Ambien about 10 times.  On Dec 20 I woke up twitching all over my body.  From Dec 20 to Jan 6 I took Ativan 0.5mg a day then switched to Klonopin 0.5 mg a day till beginning of March at which I tapered over a two week period and took my last dose Mar 14.  I continued to twitch like crazy and in the first part of April I developed muscle stiffness in my abs, back and trunk. I continued to have this pain til April 19 then I started Ativan again at 0.5 mg til May 16 where I tapered over a one week period. I still had tightness in my trunk and chest even while I was taking the ativan at 0.5mg a day.  I started taking ativan again at 0.5 mg a day June 19 and started getting pins and needles in my leg as well as some leg pain as well as some involuntary leg jerking two weeks ago (sept 15). I cut to 0.25 mg a day two weeks ago which is where I am now. 


I guess my question is could this drug at the amount I am taking have such profound effects on my muscles?  I know I asked this before but I didn't tell the complete story before and  im desperate for answers.  I'm miserable and the dr has no answer.


For some people who reinstate several times, it doesn't only not work anymore, but may be the cause instead. The best way to find relief is no more reinstatements and get off the drug so you can really heal. It may be a tough taper, but in the end you'll be forever glad you did it. Good luck to you. ~~ Bets

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definitely.  I took it for overall less time than you and most of the time my dose was only .5.  my gp doc who gave it to me said you can't possibly be dependent on such a low dose for such a short time.  have switched to klonopin and been tapering for longer than I was taking it.


if muscle stiffness twitching is the worst that you have lucky you if you can look at it that way.  i've have muscle issues and twitching since my taper and that's just a minor part of withdrawal for me.


if it becomes unbearable you might need to go up a little and taper slower.  hopefully some ativan tapers can help you there if you need it.


i would not take another benzo for the muscle issues when the withdrawal from the benzo is causing the muscle issues (assuming you didn't have this pre benzo).  save  yourself man while you're at a low dose.

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Thanks so much for your replies. I really appreciate it!!

The muscle stiffness started about a month after I started ativan.  I guess the one thing that discourages me is that I quit for four weeks back in May/June before and my muscle stiffness seemed to get WORSE as the weeks went by. 

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Benzos have muscle relaxant properties which is why when they are tapered, discontinued, or a tolerance is developed there are muscle issues.  You may also experience joint pain due to this.  It is not uncommon at all.  Musclar symptoms can also be due to reemerging anxiety issues.  I experienced this, as well as many others.  My muscular issues began to diminish as I got lower I have gotten in my taper along with me relearning my anxiety reducing techniques.  I have had great success by always keeping myself busy & distracted, meditation, meridian tapping (or EFT), & any exercise possible.  As for sleep, I had developed pretty bad insomnia, as well.  I began to listen to sleep hypnosis videos that I had found online.  I was a bit skeptical at first but, to my surprise, they put me to sleep like a baby!  :)
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Thanks panicpink.  I hope that is it.  I didn't have muscle stiffness before I took this drug so hopefully the drug is causing this.  But four weeks off the drug seems like an eternity to continue to have stiffness in he abs.
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