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Agoraphobia Issues?


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I am currently 4 1/2 months into my taper and hopefully will be done by the middle of next month.  Current dosage is .25 and .125 every other day.  This week I will start .125 every day and then hopefully in the next 3 weeks nothing.  I have been seeing a Psychologist since the beginning of my Withdrawal to help me through the process and it has helped some but one thing I cannot seem to shake is the Moderate Agoraphobia.  I am still able to function some but it's getting more difficult; Driving certain places, Going into Public Places (If i am with someone), Work.  Anyways, has anyone else had this issue while tapering?  I had it somewhat before I started Clonazepam 3 Years Ago but nothing where it is now.  Will this get better as I continue off the medication?  Any responses will be greatly appreciated!!
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Yes, I definitely had heightened agoraphobia for the past month of tapering.  It has begun to lift now that I am nearing the end, fortunately.  I had mild agoraphobia prior to taking klonopin, as well.  It is normal for these conditions to be more pronounced as you are coming off your benzo, you're having to relearn coping mechanisms & your CNS is healing, so to speak.
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