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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Worst I've had is shakes. Hallucinations ain't a thang to me lol been through em once so ill go through em again. I'm getting off this ct my brains fried literally.


The voices and hallucinations & other stuff can't do anything if your asleep. Or can they :)

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butam, are you still at 6 mg Xanax? That is an extremely high dose.


Please reconsider coming off of this dose cold turkey. You are setting yourself up for seizures, as well as a much more serious and painful withdrawal.


Are you out of medication? If so, contact your doctor or go to the ER. This is a very dangerous dose to cold turkey.



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Appreciate everyones concern but no I haven't run out. I just don't have the time to wait. Im a functional addict. Yea I sleep with valerian root.
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Look, a whole lot of us were functioning addicts. I, for one. I always worked, never missed a day because of my alcohol and benzo use. It all came to a screeching halt when I went cold turkey. I don't care how tough you say you are - this isn't safe. And, there is strong evidence that going off a drug (or more than one) more than once leads to successively worse withdrawals.

I still don't know how a person could sleep through hallucinations.



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I also jumped cold turkey, and while I'm not against others doing it, you're jumping from an awfully high level.  You might get through OK, but there is a risk.  We're just concerned for you.
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Appreciate everyones concern but no I haven't run out. I just don't have the time to wait. Im a functional addict. Yea I sleep with valerian root.


I was highly functional for decades. . .until I wasn't.


After taking 50% cuts on the advise of a uniformed psychiatrist, it cost me a large amount of cognitive functioning for several months. There's no undoing that. Time is the only healer. I wish I had known about Ashton from the start.

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""I was highly functional for decades. . .until I wasn't."


LOL! How true.




Hey, east. Yeah, and it was an almost overnight descent into a very, very dark hole of amnesia and dp/dr. Of course, it was two months after I cold turkeyed Halcion.


Butam, we're not picking on you, buddy. We're simply hoping you do a careful taper so you are less likely to suffer.  ;)

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Halcion was my nightly drug of choice for many years. I often took 0.5 to 0.75 mgs....!!!! It is a miracle I am still alive.


I hope we haven't scared Butam away. Mindseeker is right - we are just worried about you.



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Appreciate everyones concern but no I haven't run out. I just don't have the time to wait. Im a functional addict. Yea I sleep with valerian root.


Stopping cold  turkey is ill advised. It can cause severe and prolonged symptoms, especially if you have been through this before. As a result of kindling each subsequent withdrawal can be substantially worse than the previous one. You are on a extremely high dose to stop suddenly. I stopped a large dose cold turkey and it was horrific. I went 9 straight days without sleep. I was hallucinating and the world was spinning out of control because of severe vertigo. I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was going insane. I made three suicide attempts because of the excruciating mental torment of a cold turkey withdrawal. I had 10 trips to the hospital in the first 30 days. I wouldn't recommend a cold turkey withdrawal to anyone who has taken benzodiazepines long term, especially someone who was on a mega dose.

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Na haven't scared me.


What I mean is I'm functional as in ppl don't know I'm on them


Hey, butam. Please tell me you're not going to cold turkey. We want you to stay functional throughout all of this.

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I said I was good during the physical symptoms.... And mostly I was.....but once it went mental and I didn't know where I was or who I was, things went downhill quick. I've always been " billy bada$$" thinking I can do anything..... But I seriously beg you not to do this. Its been absolute hell for me since June but I know I am slowly getting better. I'm so serious when I say, please taper and don't put yourself through this mess!
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