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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

ER and Oncologist say no withdrawal after 19 days Help


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Last night severe withdrawal symptoms of pain in bowel, back and stomach. I had sweats, spasms, shakes, diarrhea, crying, you name it. My husband contacted ER. Said I had been in withdrawal too long for drug to still be in body. Called on call oncologist and he just said to call 911.  What is going on here?
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Hi neshamah, the drug may be out if your body but you are still in withdrawal. I felt just like you first couple of weeks, sadly it's all very normal.Stay strong my friend :smitten: :smitten: :Diane
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I am sorry you are feeling so badly and that no one recognized your misery as withdrawal. The pain of withdrawal really begins once the drugs are out of your system. Everything you describe are classic withdrawal symptoms.  I know firsthand how horrific symptoms can be early on. The acute phase by far is the worst and presents  the worst symptoms.  This phase typically lasts 3-6 weeks. As unpleasant as your symptoms are they are only temporary and will get better as time goes on.
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I am sorry you are feeling so badly and that no one recognized your misery as withdrawal. The pain of withdrawal really begins once the drugs are out of your system. Everything you describe are classic withdrawal symptoms.  I know firsthand how horrific symptoms can be early on. The acute phase by far is the worst and presents  the worst symptoms.  This phase typically lasts 3-6 weeks. As unpleasant as your symptoms are they are only temporary and will get better as time goes on.




You are a really kind person, and I'm glad you are a moderator here.  But you claimed you had 21 days of hell?  In addition, you have suggested that acute withdrawal lasts 3-6 weeks?  There are people here that are in torment after 3-6 YEARS! 



Am I missing something?  I really want to know where you come up with these figures.  Frankly, I'm just stunned. 



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Last night severe withdrawal symptoms of pain in bowel, back and stomach. I had sweats, spasms, shakes, diarrhea, crying, you name it. My husband contacted ER. Said I had been in withdrawal too long for drug to still be in body. Called on call oncologist and he just said to call 911.  What is going on here?


Hi, the Doc might be right, the drug will be 'out of your body ' by now, but what about

the CNS ? Gaba-A receptors ? thats what it´s all about.



Neshamah, this can be a  nasty journey, no one can give you a exact time frame

how long acute wd will last, pushing though this stage is the only way,

bayby steps and one day at a time, it will pass , hopefully soon for you. :smitten:

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