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I know there are lots of BB's that have taken them with no problems.  A few said they made anxiety worse, but everyone is different.  You have to weigh the odds....sometimes your body has an infection and there is no other choice.  As long as it's not a quinolone, you're probably going to be fine.  Good luck.



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Since I came off the clonazepam, I've had very serious flareups whenever I've taken any antibiotics or antifungals, including amoxicillin, augmentin, ketoconazole, ivermectin, and flagyl. These caused not only increased anxiety, but they sent me into near-psychosis. Now I won't take anything. The really amazing thing is that when I told my dentist, who had prescribed a 10-day course of amoxicillin, that I couldn't continue it after 7 days, he said, Oh that's ok. You really didn't need it anyway. It was just a precaution. And it nearly killed me! So I don't blindly trust any of them any more. I won't pee in a jar without first cross-examining the doctor as to the reasons.
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