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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

10 mgs a day of clonezepams Going Cold Turkey


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Looks like this is the place to be!  I am prescribed 150 clonezepams a month. Usually I run out early

but my friend does not always use all of his so I usually never run but end up taking more.

I get tested by my doctor, then the results come out and Doc told me I had Morphine in my system.

My thought was the Morphine I took that a friend gave to me would have cleared, it didn't.

This Doc has been my Doc for over 9 years, He just changed character or I have never seen him like that,

So he says "I am stopping all the narcotics that I prescribe for you" Tells me I also need to find a new doctor due to me

missing too many appointments. the max I know and remember that it was not over 3 that I missed.

Then I asked him I've been his patient for over 9 years. He mumbles something and just leaves the room. 

The nurses comes in with my chart and she was shocked as well.

He did not even write a last script so I can try to taper myself off.

NOW I need to find a new Phychatrist and find one and hopes he prescribes me Kolonopins.

I have tried to start thinking of ways of what too say to the new Doc, since its hard to get prescribed anything anymore.

Being on the Kolonopins helped out very much due to my extremely bad anxiety problem I have.  Its my second day off the Kolonopins.

Going through the withdrawls already and this doesn't feel the least bit good. Shaking, Sweating, Aches and getting under

an hour of sleep a night. Considering that Doctor Shopping thing, find one until he prescribes a new script.

I am off to read more posts.  Looks like a great Board with loads of info.

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Welcome to the forum, we're glad you found us!  I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. Cold turkeying off benzos, for any reason, is never easy.  I hope you can find a new doctor.  Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Going cold turkey off that igh a  dose of Klonapin is not safe. There is a risk of seizures in the first week or two. Please try to find another doctor asap - or go to an ER.

I am confused - was your doctor also prescribing narcotics to you, plus the Klonapin? Why?



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Hello All Thanks For The Replies


I have been going to my P-Doc the same one for over 7 years. The Narcotics were prescribed by my general doctor who prescribes my blood pressure med and meds like that, That doctor takes the whole month of September off, Though I told her nurse about how she just stopped me from the benzos and said that is "very dangerous" This doctor even being a plain M.D not even a phycatrist just called and also said its very dangerous to come off 10mg a day of a benzo is very dangerous, she mentioned detox inpatient and if my P-Doc will not do anything to help the withdrawls after just stopping cold turkey, That she will prescribe some meds to make things easier on the body and a tapering schedule.  The doctor at the least could have given me Vistaril, Doc says its not a narcotic and helps just a bit.

This withdrawl in its 3rd day is just torture on me. Shaking, Weak, No appetite, Anxiety at a very high level. No sleep, Im waiting by the phone , since my general doc was calling some meds in.  Ive been reading an reading the posts on here. I can not seem to fiqure out on average how long these horrible withdrawls will last. A lot of the posts that I have read all say a different time frame. 

Wanted to ask the board what do you think,  1: Should I get a New Phycatrist, Ive been with this doc for 7 years. Can Not understand why she would not follow a tapering plan like my general doc said "There is somewhat of a protocol to get a person off benzos"

The P-Doc of mine just doesn't understand how this shaking and anxiety is doing to me, I told her I was hurting, she just went off topic.  Thanks all for your help!

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