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What is your favorite 'thing' for depression?


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Dear Peace,

  I am sorry you have difficult depression. I have been there too. My absolute favorite remedy is my yoga mat and a variety of DVD classes. I follow that with a hot Epsom salt bath and bed. One night a week I go to a local small studio where no more than 6 of us do a 1 1/2 hour restorative yoga class.

  Before benzos yoga was a main fix for me. I had a daily vigorous practice. That is not possible at this point. I find going to a quiet class helpful on many levels. It gets me out with other yoga practitioners...something I've deeply missed. It is soothing, easy and not at all stimulating. It makes me feel I am doing something normal which helps the depression.

  I hope this gives you an idea of a remedy for you. I wish you well and send you hope...we are healing dear Peace!



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Restorative yoga is amazing. I really wish the studio by me hadn't relocated.


Maybe this sounds defeating, but I like crying. Letting it out. When I in any way try to stuff it up, it just gets worse. Let the banshee out.

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Crying can be wonderful, as long as you DO let it out, completely.


When Im down, looking at nature helps. I feed a horde of wild squirrels, and their antics never fail to pull me back out of the dumps.


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Thanks for the ideas. I do like yoga and nature. Yoga has been tough for me during this , but I'll try to get something going at home. Walked for almost 90 minutes today, taking st johns wort and fish oil. Trying, trying, trying to stay off meds but man this is tough! It's the duration of this whole thing making my depression symptoms worse. Such an unknowable journey.



Thank you all,


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Peace, it will get better. I know its so hard to see when your in the middle of it, but it will get better. Also, I wanted to tell you that when I tried fish oil capsules, I saw no results it was only when I used the liquid fish oil that Parker recomends that I saw any results. It is pricey, but it has way more in it than other brands and it is really good quality. I will be praying for you tonight that you will wake up tomorrow feeling better. Jenny
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I had depression prior to benzos, and I find the dog park makes me feel less down about life.


Watching all of the dogs act goofy really helps. Also, the exercise I get running around with my dog helps, too.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exercise, a brisk walk, bike ride, out with my dogs. Jog if you're in good enough shape. Endorphins kill depression really fast and the quicker one does something to increase their heart rate, the sooner the beast is driven from within us.


I don't care if it's a medication, a supplement or a practice - I want to know about it. Please give me whatever you've got!





Ok, you asked........


I also live in medical marijuana state and have my card for back pain. I've found that different kinds of herb work for both the anxiety and depression. Sativas are fantastic for depression, but only an indica is good for anxiety. They are really opposites in how they affect the mind and work accordingly. I am not advocating one breaks the law in their state. However, this is something that even my doctor has sat and talked in great length with me about, as she knows I am all about being pharma free. She told me she has yet to speak with anyone who has been able to inform her of such benefits of medical marijuana in the manner such as I present it. I only medicate to rid myself of the pain and torture. I'm 50 yrs old and a professional. Well, I was before this all began. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying it's a cure all or anything like that. But it has made the worst of the worst more tolerable for me to make it through those bad times. I know many of you know what I'm referring too when I say those bad times. It literally will take away anxiety and depression within minutes and I had days where the only thing that pulled me through was the fact that I'm a Christian.

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I love color and I'm an artist, so I like looking at art that attracts me, and at anything with rich, luscious colors.  A great place for this is Etsy, the world-wide arts and crafts site.  Also, playing with my cats, watching birds, classic movies, gardening, and comfort foods.  I do drink coffee, and it helps my mood. 



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I take tianeptine--a mild antidepressant with anti-anxiety properties.  It motivates me to exercise, which is also a good mood booster.  Sticking to a regular sleep schedule is hard but I feel less depressed when I do it. 


Other helpful depression-busters:  sunlight, laughter, friends, animals, journaling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxing activities & various substances (kratom, cannabis, green tea, etc).  Avoid the substances if you're in severe withdrawal.  :)

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If you are not on an antidepressant, I would give 5 HTP a shot. It is the precursor to Serotonin so the effect is similar to an SSRI. Probably the two best things for me are my dog, such a good distraction and comforting. Also playing guitar can really lift my mood.
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  • 1 month later...
When I'm depressed (which is most of the time), I read a good book, call a friend or watch a DVD. Taking a walk helps too. Nice of you to start this thread. The replies are good.
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A long time ago I tried St. John's Wort for depression, and it depressed the hell out of me. I had to get off of it quickly.


Watching my diet is very important, not take in too many carbs or sugar. Fresh vegetables, plenty of protein, fruit, walking, yoga, weights. Unfortunately, I can't exercise anywhere near the amount that I used to do before w/d. My son gives me lots of energy as well as others who are loving and supportive.


It's terrible to be depressed. I spent years being in the thick of it. I pray a lot.

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It's part of an unpredictable but regular cycle for me, as I taper, anyway.  Anxiety comes and goes as well.


Prior to benzo induced depressoin I just sat and wrote poems or listened to fantastic music.  Now I walk a lot and exercise with weights.


If I feel a cry coming I usually allow it.  That makes me feel better.  Also makes me know that part of myself better.  There's nearly always

a little nugget of self-knowledge pushing the cry up.


Somebody mentioned chocolate.  Yep.  Dark chocolate.  :D



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  • 3 months later...

my "favorite" things for depression are a high protein drink a naturopath turned me onto.  it isn't your typical grocery store variety.  it has a lot of other ingredients that supposedly help the process while our brains are healing.

I listen to music that feeds my spiritual side.  I get together with a few friends that actually "get it" because they have deeply suffered with their own stuff.

I pray a lot.


sometimes the depression is SO overwhelming.  I hold on to hope that my brain will heal.  I have many months ahead of this taper. 

I sometimes wonder if I will get healed/better.



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Nature, walks, my dogs, ice cream. I find jogging very helpful for depression, but it makes the anxiety, the racing thoughts and the physicals worse for me, so I avoid it until I can tolerate exercise again.
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  • 1 month later...
When I am depressed and only want to stay in bed I try to make reasonable goals. Just going to the Shop. Taking  a  walk, go to the swimming pool, tend to my horses.  But the last few days have been very difficult and I have not done any thing at all. It goes up and down. The thing is to just try and not give up. Things will get better
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When I am depressed and only want to stay in bed I try to make reasonable goals. Just going to the Shop. Taking  a  walk, go to the swimming pool, tend to my horses.  But the last few days have been very difficult and I have not done any thing at all. It goes up and down. The thing is to just try and not give up. Things will get better

I can totally relate to this right now. I have just made a cut and feeling really blue. I had just a little coffee, a hot bath, and went for a drive by the ocean. I had to come home though and looks like another day of movies in bed. It's discouraging when I have so many things to get done. I just try to prioritize what's the most important. Today bills. Laundry can wait and other errands. :sick:

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