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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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The Ativan only works for a few hours. They offered my a longer acting benzo to take short term. Should I take it?  I feel sick to my stomach just asking these questions because they so go against what I beleive.
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Is there anything other than benzos you could try, a lot of people seem to use gabapentin, mirtazapine or propranolol to provide some relief for withdrawal symptoms?
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Hyland Calms (main ingredient is passionflower) works exactly like a benzo for me.  Not sure if that is an option for you or if it's any better or worse than a benzo in the long run, but it's a "natural option."
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You are getting bad advice. You can't stay on a benzo. You need to get off rapidly if you ever want to be well.


I am sorry. This is the truth. You are just kindling yourself. If you are going to go on a drug make sure it is not a benzo. Antidepressants are typically bad too. Nothing seems to provide much relief while in wd from a benzo but some things might help a bit if you believe they will.


Hang tough, Meth. I feel for you, man.

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